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Primary Longman Elect 3A Chapter 5 Asking about dates.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Longman Elect 3A Chapter 5 Asking about dates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Longman Elect 3A Chapter 5 Asking about dates

2 Do you know how many months there are in a year?

3 You can find the 12 months in a calendar.
January Jan 2 February Feb 3 March Mar 4 April Apr 5 May 6 June Jun 7 July Jul 8 August Aug 9 September Sep 10 October Oct 11 November Nov 12 December Dec

4 Most months have 30 or 31 days.
January 31 days February 28 or 29 days March 31 days April 30 days May 31 days June 30 days July 31 days August 31 days September 30 days October 31 days November 30 days December 31 days

5 Do you know how to say the dates?
the first of January January Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

6 Do you know how to say the dates?
the second of January January Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

7 Do you know how to say the dates?
the third of January January Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

8 Do you remember where you have seen these words?
G/F 1/F 2/F 3/F 4/F 5/F fifth floor fourth floor third floor second floor first floor

9 Let’s learn to say the dates.
1 one 1st first

10 Let’s learn to say the dates.
2 two 2nd second

11 Let’s learn to say the dates.
3 three 3rd third

12 Let’s learn to say the dates.
4 four 4th fourth

13 Let’s learn to say the dates.
5 five 5th fifth

14 Let’s learn to say the dates.
9 nine 9th ninth

15 Let’s learn to say the dates.
10 ten 10th tenth

16 Let’s learn to say the dates.
12 twelve 12th twelfth

17 Let’s learn to say the dates.
19 nineteen 19th nineteenth

18 Let’s learn to say the dates.
20 twenty 20th twentieth

19 Let’s learn to say the dates.
21 twenty-one 21st twenty-first

20 Let’s learn to say the dates.
22 twenty-two 22nd twenty-second

21 Let’s learn to say the dates.
23 twenty-three 23rd twenty-third

22 Let’s learn to say the dates.
30 thirty 30th thirtieth

23 Asking about the date We use ‘What’s the date?’ to ask about the date.
e.g. What’s the date? It’s the nineteenth of January. We say the date like this. 19th January We write the date like this.

24 Practice Say the dates. 1 Dec 2 the second of December

25 Practice Say the dates. Aug 3 2 the third of August

26 Practice Say the dates. Apr 12 3 the twelfth of April

27 Practice Say the dates. 4 Jul 31 the thirty-first of July

28 Practice Say the dates. 5 Feb 25 the twenty-fifth of February

29 This is our school calendar.
Sep School starts 5th Oct the school picnic 11th Nov Sports Day 14th Dec Test Week 1st – 5th Jan Feb Open Day 3rd Mar Apr Parents’ Day 6th May Jun Exam Week 18th – 22nd Jul School Finishes 14th Aug English Camp 15th – 19th

30 The school year starts in September.
School starts 5th Oct the school picnic 11th Nov Sports Day 14th Dec Test Week 1st – 5th Jan Feb Open Day 3rd Mar Apr Parents’ Day 6th May Jun Exam Week 18th – 22nd Jul School Finishes 14th Aug English Camp 15th – 19th

31 It’s on the sixth of April.
When’s Parents’ Day? It’s on the sixth of April. Sep School starts 5th Oct the school picnic 11th Nov Sports Day 14th Dec Test Week 1st – 5th Jan Feb Open Day 3rd Mar Apr Parents’ Day 6th May Jun Exam Week 18th – 22nd Jul School Finishes 14th Aug English Camp 15th – 19th

32 When’s the school picnic?
It’s on the eleventh of October. Sep School starts 5th Oct the school picnic 11th Nov Sports Day 14th Dec Test Week 1st – 5th Jan Feb Open Day 3rd Mar Apr Parents’ Day 6th May Jun Exam Week 18th – 22nd Jul School Finishes 14th Aug English Camp 15th – 19th

33 Asking about the date We use ‘When’s _____?’ to ask about the date.
For school events that happen for 1 day, we use on in the answer. e.g. When’s the school picnic? It’s on the eleventh of October. We can also write the date like this. 11/10

34 Key structure the school picnic Open Day Sports Day Parents’ Day
When’s ? It’s on the eleventh of October.

35 It’s from the fifteenth of August to the nineteenth of August.
When’s English Camp? It’s from the fifteenth of August to the nineteenth of August. Sep School starts 5th Oct the school picnic 11th Nov Sports Day 14th Dec Test Week 1st – 5th Jan Feb Open Day 3rd Mar Apr Parents’ Day 6th May Jun Exam Week 18th – 22nd Jul School Finishes 14th Aug English Camp 15th – 19th

36 Asking about the date For school events that happen for more than 1 day, we use from … to in the answer. e.g. When’s English Camp? It’s from the fifteenth of August to the nineteenth of August. 15/8 – 19/8

37 Key structure English Camp Test Week Exam Week When’s ? the nineteenth
of August. the fifteenth of August It’s from to

38 Practice Finish the conversation. A: ______ Open Day? When’s 1
B: It’s _____________________. When’s 1 on the third of February 3/2 A B

39 Practice Finish the conversation. A: ________________________?
B: It’s ______________________ _________________________. When’s Test Week 2 from the first of December to the fifth of December 1/12 – 5/12 A B

40 Practice Finish the conversation. A: ___________________________?
B: ___________________________. When’s Sports Day 3 It’s on the fourteenth of November 14/11 A B

41 Practice Finish the conversation. A: ________________________?
B: _________________________ _________________________. When’s Exam Week 4 It’s from the eighteenth of June to the twenty-second of June 18/6 – 22/6 A B

42 The End

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