Discussion Notes: 9-1 Classical Europe

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1 Discussion Notes: 9-1 Classical Europe
I. The Golden Age of Greece (400 B.C.) A. Athens was the home of the world’s first democratic constitution. B. 3 great philosophers were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. C. During this period, city-states like Athens and Sparta often fought against each other (Peloponnesian War). D. 300 B.C., Phillip II and Alexander the Great conquered all of Greece. II. The Rise of Rome A. Rome was settled sometime in 1000 B.C. as a city-state and dominated much of the Italian Peninsula. B. Rome started as a monarchy, but changed to Republic (choose) C. The foundation of Roman law was the 12 Tables.

2 III. From Republic to Empire
A. From 246 B.C. to 146 B.C., a series of wars transformed the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. B. Under the empire, Senators lost power to emperors of Rome. Caesar Augustus was the 1st Roman Emperor. C. The Roman Empire began to decline in the A.D. 300s because of changes in the government, plagues, and other invaders (Germanic Tribes). Discussion Notes: 9-2 Medieval Europe I. The Rise of Christianity In the Middle Ages, Christianity in the form of the Catholic Church became a political power in western Europe. B. Popes became the leaders of the Church.

3 C. In eastern Europe, Christianity was known as Eastern Orthodox which was under the leadership of emperors. D. A.D. 1000s, the Church sponsored a series of holy wars known as Crusades. II. The Holy Roman Empire A. The Germans combined their common law with Roman Law. B. One of the most important German kingdoms was that of the Franks. Charlemagne was elected king of the Franks. C. Charlemagne was then crowned the head of the Roman Empire. III. Medieval Society Most people were farmers who lived under feudalism, lords who gave land to a noble or knight to work, govern, and defend. B. The feudal estate became the economic unit known as a manor.


TENANTS- APPRENTICIES- SERFS- CHARTERS- Social & political system based on farming Received land in exchange for service to the king. Centers of trade and manufacturing Nobles/ Knights Received land from the lords in return for military service. Medieval workers organization (union) Paid rent for their land to work freely. Young worker who learned a trade/skill from a master teacher Peasant laborers, who were not very free. Written agreement guaranteeing privileges/freedoms

6 Discussion Notes 9-3: The Beginning of Modern Times
I. The Renaissance A. The Renaissance sparked an interest in education, art, and science in the 1350’s throughout Europe. B. Writers began to use the language that they spoke every day instead of Latin or French. C. The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenburg in 1450. The Protestant Reformation People who disagreed with the corrupt practices of the Catholic Church they became known as Protestants. Two Protestant leaders were Martin Luther and John Calvin.

7 III. The Age of Exploration
A. Bartholomeau Dias, Vasco da Gama, and Christopher Columbus were important explorers of this time. B. The Dutch, English, and French soon joined the Spanish and Portuguese to explore and settle with the Americas, Asia, and Africa. IV. Revolution - a great and often violent change. A. In the 1770’s, American colonies revolted against the British and became a model for many revolutions. The French Revolution stimulated other peoples to demand personal and political freedoms. Napoleon Bonaparte became the dictator and absolute ruler of France when the monarchy came to an end.

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