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Renaissance: The Coming of the Modern Man (p. 94)

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1 Renaissance: The Coming of the Modern Man (p. 94)

2 Learning Targets: I CAN analyze the events that led to the Renaissance Period in Europe. I CAN evaluate the impact of Renaissance Period to the modern world.

3 ASSIGNMENT NO. 2.3 Open:
In your assigned slide, write and insert pictures that shows the characteristics of your ideal renaissance person. Focus on your assigned slide 2-4 students will be randomly asked to present their ideal renaissance person tomorrow. CRITERIA: Creativity – 5pts, Content – 5 points

4 What is Renaissance? from the French word meaning “rebirth”
lasted from around 1350 to 1600s characterized by revival and appreciation of classical learnings (Greek and Roman) FRANCESCO PETRARCH, an Italian poet, led the early development of Renaissance

5 Start of Renaissance It began in Italy.
Cultural center of Renaissance Italy was FLORENCE and was led by the MEDICI family.

6 Spread of Renaissance noble families, high-ranking clergy and rulers became PATRONS and supported the Renaissance movement humanists and the invention of the printing press by JOHANNES GUTENBERG greatly helped in spreading the Renaissance ideas to other parts of Europe

7 The Renaissance Outlook
Many people in this period believed that: 1) a person should be free to develop his own abilities and interests; and 2) a person should enjoy life to the fullest. Renaissance man began to regard life as important and pleasant, thus believing in the philosophy known as HUMANISM.

8 Renaissance Education
centers on the study of HUMANITIES – Latin and Greek language, literature, composition, rhetoric, history and philosophy scholars who took part in the study of humanities were called as HUMANISTS maintained that people should be educated


10 DANTE ALIGHIERI one of the forerunners of the Renaissance
wrote his masterpiece entitled “Divina Comedia” or Divine Comedy in Italian his poem is about the narrator’s journey in hell, purgatory and heaven

11 DESIDERIUS ERASMUS wrote The Praise of Folly which criticized narrow-minded people, attacked ignorance and ridiculed superstitions and prejudice helped spread Renaissance in Northern Europe

12 NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI wrote The Prince which pointed out that successful rulers often lied, broke treaties, and killed in order to gain and keep power pointed out two ideas: “The end justifies the means.” and “Might makes right.”

13 THOMAS MORE wrote Utopia in which he advocated that laws should be perfect and thus result in perfect state taught that a country must not go to war except for some reasons

14 MIGUEL DE CERVANTES wrote Don Quixote in which he mocked the way medieval code of chivalry that distorted reality

15 WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE regarded by many as the world’s finest dramatist and greatest writer in the English language his plays portrayed wide range of human emotions some of his famous works are Romeo and Juliet, and Hamlet

16 FRANCOIS RABELAIS wrote Gargantua and Pantagruel in which he made fun of those who did not take the humanist point of view encouraged living in the Renaissance ideal of living a full, busy life

(Arts and Music) M D L R

closely imitated real objects tried to capture individual’s characters saw balanced and well-proportioned objects as beautiful makes use of new materials

19 LEONARDO DA VINCI painted The Last Supper and Mona Lisa
drew the Vitruvian Man and designed inventions like flying machines, submarines and machine guns

20 MICHELANGELO painted the Biblical scenes on the ceilings of Sistine Chapel, in the Basilica of St. Peter, Vatican City sculpted David and La Pieta

21 RAPHAEL SANTI famous for his painting of madonnas (painting of Mary)
combined religious art with a Renaissance spirit known as “Master of Design”

22 JAN VAN EYCK considered to be the greatest Flemish painter during the Renaissance period used oil paint in his paintings

23 ALBRECHT DURER considered to be the greatest German Renaissance painter known for his paintings of the scenes from the Book of Revelation (Apocalypse)

gifted musician and composed sacred music known for his “Palestrina Style” OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS Oratorio – a form of religious drama beginning of written instrumental music

25 SUMMARY Renaissance gradually introduced social changes that can be considered as forerunners of the modern world. During this time, Western man began to ask questions and explore the world.

26 Renaissance: The Coming of the Modern Man (p. 94)

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