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Chapter 9 section 3 A Time of Conflict.

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1 Chapter 9 section 3 A Time of Conflict

2 Defeating the barbary states
Barbary States: 4 countries that attacked US ships in Mediterranean Sea (Morocco, Algiers, Tunisia, Tripoli) Raided US and European ships and stole property, sailors, and held for ransom European gov’t paid these countries off with tribute, which stopped the attacks  The US used to pay tribute but Jefferson said NO Warship Philidelphia ran aground and crew was captured American sailors, led by Stephen Decatur, raided harbor and burned the warship down

3 American neutrality is challenged
More serious threats came from French & British 1803: French and British are at war  US remains neutral and continued to trade with both countries British seized US ships trading with France, and vice versa : France seized 500 ships, British seized over ships British needed sailors  impressment (took US sailors captive and made them fight for the British)

4 Jefferson responds with embargo act
Jefferson was looking for peaceful methods  Embargo Act Embargo Act: prohibited Americans to trade with France and Britain  This did not turn out well Exports fell by over $75 million, prices of crops dropped, people lost jobs The most angry were New Englanders because they relied heavily on ports and trade  forced them to smuggle goods into the country Congress repealed after two years, before Jefferson left office US decided not to trade with France or Britain until they could respect the trade agreements

5 Tecumseh and the prophet
After Battle of Fallen Timbers, many moved west (Ohio, Indiana, ect) This was bad for Native Americans because … 1) Diseases (measles, smallpox, flu, etc) 2) Took over hunting grounds 3) Cleared forest for planting 4) Population decreased 5) Power of leaders decreased Two Shawnee brothers, Tenskwatawa ‘The Prophet’ and Tecumseh, urged resistance to Americans 1811: William Henry Harrison (governor of Indiana) attacked Shawnee in Battle of Tippecanoe, while Tecumseh was away  defeated Native Americans


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