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Higher National 6 Badminton

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1 Higher National 6 Badminton
Methods of Practice

2 Li: To know the methods of training used to develop a skill
To be able to apply a method of training when planning for performance development

3 Methods of Practice There are a variety of methods you can use for your training programme. However, the methods of practice you use have to be relevant to your activity, individual development needs and stage of learning. Shadow Practice Repetition Drills Pressure Drills Conditioned Games Combination Drills Opposed/Unopposed Gradual Build up Isolation

4 Shadow Practice Shadow Practice is when you practice the skill or movement without any or only some equipment. You can use shadow practice in two different ways: To practise your footwork skills To practise your weak skill. Shadow practices help you to groove the movement and develop the different parts of the skill. They also allow you to focus on weak parts of your shot without the distraction of contact/movement and these practices can easily be progressed as you improve.

5 Shadow Practice For example: I got a partner to shout out the areas of the court I had to move to as I pretended to play the shuttle.

6 Shadowing Benefits Limitations
Particularly useful at planning and practice stages of learning Groove the pattern or rehearse the movements patterns Develops kinaesthetic awareness Corrects errors Success gains high Increases confidence and motivation As there is no shuttle, it can become quite boring

7 Repetitive Practices During practice it is vital that movement patterns are repeated until the body systems (muscle and nerves) have learned to move ‘automatically’ in the newly learned way so that the movement will be grooved into the muscle’s memory. This allows you to focus on weak parts of your shot without the distraction of contact/movement. These practices can also be progressed so that the level of difficulty/pressure can be controlled according to the level of skill/development.

8 Repetitive Practices For example: I got my partner to be the feeder and they performed 20 high serves to different areas of the court. I then reacted and moved to return the shuttle with a drop shot.

9 Repetition Drills Benefits Limitations
Useful and planning and practice stages of learning Reinforces sub phases of preparation, action and recovery Enables performer to concentrate on one specific technique at a time Enables practice to be uninterrupted or completed without fear of failure Rest periods can be controlled Increases confidence and motivation You will become more consistent As you are repeating the same action it can become quite boring and you will fatigue easily.

10 Pressure Drills Once a skill has been established in a pressure situation, pressure can be gradually increased to groove the skill whilst considering time and fatigue factors. The chances of the improved skill being used successfully in a game are greatly increased after pressure training.

11 Pressure Drills For example: I now had two feeders serving to different areas of the court. I now had to react and move quicker to return the shuttle with a drop shot.

12 Pressure Drills Benefits Limitations
Useful at practice and automatic stages of learning Develops or refines more than one skill at a time Reinforces skill replication in terms of consistency, accuracy and fluency Introduces variety to practice Increases motivation You will make your practices more exciting and realistic If pressure training continues after the skill breaks down, learners may have their confidence destroyed and the training will become counter productive. Performers under mental or physical stress could get muscle tension that leads to poor technique or movement during the activity.

13 Conditioned Games This is when a rule is imposed on the game to encourage the use of a particular shot. For example, to encourage net play, the court can be shortened. It encourages you to apply the skill. It allows you to practice the skill in a game situation and therefore increases the level of pressure and difficulty. It should also help to increase your confidence of using the skill in games and develop your problem tactical skills.

14 Conditioned Games For example: In the game, I would score two points for winning the rally with a drop shot. This placed more emphasis on using and winning a point with my identified skill for development.

15 Conditioned Games Benefits Limitations
Mainly at automatic stage of learning Develops consistent application of techniques in game-like conditions Improves decision making Enables techniques to be adapted Highly challenging You are able to focus on a specific part of your game within a performance

16 Combination Drills This involves badminton players practicing a simple drill which will make them play certain shots or move into certain positions. E.g. High Serve, Overhead Clear, Drop Shot, Net Shot, Underarm Lift.  Drills can work well when both repetition and different degrees of pressure are involved.

17 Combination Drills Benefits Limitations
Useful at practice and automatic stages of learning Develops or refines more than one skill at a time Reinforces skill replication in terms of consistency, accuracy and fluency Introduces variety to practice to avoid boredom and increase the quality and relevance of the practice. Increases motivation During practice it can be productive to set-up training drills that repeat particular techniques with the intention of grooving the technique. Drills can be increased in difficulty by making them continuous. These practices are useful for developing the skill in more game like situations and allow the development of court movement to play the shots.

18 Opposed/Unopposed Opposed Involves altering the level of opposition.
A football dribbling practice may begin with no defender, then introduce a passive defender (with limited movement) and then finally an active defender (with full movement). These practises are ideal for building pressure on a player as they move through the stages of learning for a particular skill or technique. Players can be moved on to a greater level of opposition when an appropriate level of success and confidence is reached. Unopposed Unopposed practices are useful tools to use at earlier stages of learning where a skill can be learned without the pressure of opposition. To continue development of performers’ overall performance there must be some practise of skills in game related situations with some level of opposition.

19 Opposed/Unopposed Benefits Limitations
You are able to practice your skill with passive opposition. You can gradually increase opposition which allows you to gain more confidence.

20 Gradual Build Up Gradual Build Up is a way of learning a skill progressively – “bit by bit”. Each part of the skill is introduced and mastered before another new part of the skill is introduced. Gradual Build Up is used to learn new skills which might be dangerous or too complex for a beginner

21 Gradual Build Up Benefits Limitations
It increases the creativity of a performer who already has a basic skill level Progress can be slow when learners at an early stage. This can be de-motivating and performers may be tempted to use variations of a skill before they have actually achieved a high enough skill level of consistency and competence with a skill.

22 Isolation Isolation drills are drills or practices that can be used to improve a skills or techniques without opposition or partners. These are especially effective for improving more closed skills. Examples of isolation drills could be goal kicking in rugby, boxing using a punchbag, practicing a serve in badminton. In each of these practices there is no requirement for a training partner or opponent.

23 Isolation Benefits Limitations
No pressure or fear of failing as you can practice on your own.

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