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Presentation on theme: "Islam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Islam

2 The Basics Islam: “submission, surrender” Muslim: “one who surrenders”
2nd largest religion

3 The Founding of Islam Muhammad Message from Jibril
born in Mecca (now Saudi Arabia) Message from Jibril Warn people against evil Worship only Allah

4 5 Pillars of Faith Faith Prayer
“There is only one god, Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet” Prayer 5x a day 1 morning 3 throughout day 1 night

5 Five Pillars of Faith (Cont’d)
Alms Special religious tax Support less fortunate Fasting During Ramadan Pilgrimmage (Haji) Once in a lifetime Mecca

6 Jihad “6th pillar” to a minority
Any action undertaken for love of Allah Meant to be peaceful, has resulted in violence

7 Sacred Texts Qur’an Shari’a
Collection of the revelations of Allah through Muhammad Shari’a Body of law regulating Muslims’ lives Family life Moral conduct Business and community life

8 Important Festivals/Events/Days
Id-ul-Fitr (Ramadan) Celebrates Allah’s message to Muhammad One month long Fast from dawn – dusk Celebrate last day w/ festival

9 Important Festivals/Events/Days
Id-ul-Adha (end of Haji) In Mecca Worship at Ka’aba Shrine built by Abraham

10 Sects Sunni Shi’ite In your packet, read “United before Allah” on page 35 What caused Muslims to split into Shi’ites and Sunnis? What do each believe?

11 Important Locations Mosque Mecca Place of worship
Where Muhammad was born

12 Women’s role Read pages 50-51 in your packet.
What does the Qur’an say about the status of women? What has lead to the large difference in treatment of women throughout the Muslim world?

13 Life and Death Beyond human control Afterlife exists
Death should not be feared

14 Who is Jesus to a Muslim? ‘Isa’
Conceived by Allah, virgin birth from Mary Prophet miraculous powers ‘Isa told his followers only to worship Allah, but they were so impressed they said he was the son of god (Allah) To suggest Allah has a partner is a grave sin

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