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Onward to Saratoga.

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1 Onward to Saratoga

2 Agenda 1. Bell Ringer: 2. Kahoot: Intolerable Acts and French and Indian War (20) 3. Notes: Struggling to Saratoga (20) 4. Map of the Revolution, Major Battles Analysis and Chart (15) 5. Video Clip: Valley Forge and Saratoga(10)

3 New York to Trenton British move towards NYC after leaving Boston.
Showing up with 32,000 including German mercenaries, Washington’s 23,000 continental army troops were forced out of the city. Fleeing into Pennsylvania, only 8,000 remained by late Fall. Battle of Trenton- Held on Christmas night, 1776, Washington and 2,300 troops marched into Trenton in snow, and surprised the Hessian troops (Germans). Winning victories here and in Princeton rallied the troops

4 Fight for Philadelphia
General Howe wanted to take Philadelphia, thinking this would be the battle to end the War…. He was supposed to march towards Albany… Continental Congress fled the city, and Howe took residence there temporarily, waiting for Washington and his troops.

5 Saratoga This is the turning point of the War with Britain.
General Burgoyne had a plan to take Albany, NY and split the Colonies. Howe’s troops were to arrive from NYC. Wait… Wasn’t Howe in Philly? Communication Error. A mass of troops led by Horatio Gates surrounded Burgoyne at Saratoga, where he was forced to surrender.

6 Winter at Valley Forge After Saratoga, The French decided to support the Colonies fight for independence. Alliance formed in 1778. Washington’s troops were forced to camp at Valley Forge for the winter. Soldiers suffering from frostbite had limbs removed. Nearly 2,000 died.

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