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A Level Business Studies- AQA

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1 A Level Business Studies- AQA
Degrees in business and management are among the most popular among students. The focus of these degrees is to prepare students for working within all organisations and to gain a greater understanding of how organisations operate - what they do, their styles of management and their business strategies. Marketing degrees look more closely at understanding consumer behaviour – from understanding the psychology of advertising, to developing a grasp of how the economic climate impacts particular sectors. A number of key skills will be developed throughout The course. With group work a key part of many courses, you will have built up your teamwork and leadership skills, and be able to demonstrate your ability to consider all things related to establishing your own business and marketing a product. The nature of business degrees and the practical experience that you will gain will mean you are well placed to get a job in the City or in one of the top companies that recruit graduates for their annual programmes. These graduate schemes should give you a good general grounding in business and the chance to focus on a particular area, such as human resources, or finance or marketing. Year 12 Unit 1-BUSS 1 Planning and Financing a Business Short answer questions and extended responses based on a mini case study Year 13 Unit 3 – BUSS3 Strategies for Success Questions requiring extended answers based on an unseen case study drawing upon knowledge from AS units Unit 4 – BUSS4 The Business Environment and Managing Change Pre-release research tasks leading to the first section of a two section examination. Second section will consist of choice of essays. All questions will be essay style and synoptic therefore drawing upon knowledge from all four units. The topics that we will cover include: Finance and Accountancy (using financial data to measure and assess performance) Marketing (Analysing markets and selecting marketing strategies) Human Resources (Developing and implementing workforce planning and reviewing employee relations Operational Management (investigating operational strategies such as innovation, Location and Lean Production)

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