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Where am I? What’s in the background?. The First Civilizations: The Peoples of ancient india, Western Asia and Egypt.

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Presentation on theme: "Where am I? What’s in the background?. The First Civilizations: The Peoples of ancient india, Western Asia and Egypt."— Presentation transcript:

1 The First Civilizations: The Peoples of ancient india, Western Asia and Egypt

2 Where am I? What’s in the background?

3 Where am I? Lodi Gardens or Lodhi Gardens is a city park situated in New Delhi, India. It contains Tombs (Tomb of Sikandar Lodi, Shisha Gumbad and Bara Gumbad)

4 What factors led to the need for writing systems?
Why do you think early civilizations built their monuments on such a large scale?

5 What factors led to the need for writing systems
What factors led to the need for writing systems? need to keep records of trade and communicate laws, and the desire to preserve culture and history. Why do you think early civilizations built their monuments on such a large scale? it was to honor their gods or to show how powerful they were.

6 Ancient india

7 Henna & other wedding traditions



10 Sights and Sounds of India | National Geographic

11 Ancient India

12 Is India's Caste System Still Alive?
0:00 – 2:22

13 Initial thoughts? Reactions?
Is there something similar to this in the US & around the world?

14 Is there something similar to this in the US?
Racism Colorism Example: Slavery linked to mass incarceration of Blacks, Dakota Access Pipeline

15 Ancient India Indus Valley civilization: The Indus River Valley supported a thriving civilization, centered in the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, between 3000 and 1000 b.c. Arrival of Aryans: The migration of the nomadic Aryans into northern India and their interactions with the Dravidian descendants of the Indus civilization led to a new culture characterized by a rigid caste system. Hinduism and Buddhism: The Hindu religion developed from the creeds of the Aryans. It included a belief in reincarnation. Buddhism was the creation of Siddhartha Gautama in the sixth century b.c. One of its key elements was the quest to achieve true wisdom. Mauryan and Gupta Empires: The first major unified state in ancient India was the northern Mauryan Empire, the most famous ruler of which was Aśoka. After a period of disunity it was followed by the Gupta Empire in the early 300s, which was weakened by the Huns in the 400s.

16 Aryan Invasion Around 1500 BCE, a group of nomadic warrior-herders crossed the narrow Khyber Pass in the Hindu Kush Mountains and invaded the Indus Valley culture. These people, the Aryans, came from Eastern Europe between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea, probably looking for pastures for their animals. Flooding and earthquakes had weakened the Indus Valley culture and they were unable to withstand the newcomers.

17 Aryan Invasion The route of the Aryans into India.

18 The Aryans brought with them their own language, called Sanskrit and religious and cultural beliefs. The Indus Valley people eventually became intermixed with the Aryan people and the two cultures together make up what is now much of the culture of modern India. Hinduism, the major religion of India, was a mixture of Aryan and Indus Valley beliefs. The caste system, which keeps people in strict social classes, was brought to India by the Aryans. Two Cultures Combine

19 Hindu Religion The Aryans and the Indus Valley culture eventually produced what is known today as Hinduism. This religion is polytheistic, which means believing in many gods. We know about this ancient religion because of Aryan books called “Vedas” that record the beliefs of the Aryans. Pictured here is one of the many gods of Hinduism, Krishna.

20 Hinduism Hinduism differs from other religions like Christianity, Judaism and Islam in that there is no one single founder or one set of beliefs that must be followed. There are thousands of Hindu gods and goddesses in Hinduism. Most of the beliefs of Hinduism came from the oral traditions of the Aryans which became the Vedas—or holy writings—of the Hindus.

21 Reincarnation Central to Hinduism is the belief in reincarnation. Hindus believe that after a person dies, they will be re- born as some other creature or thing. What you are re-born as depends on your “Karma” or the deeds you did in your previous life. If you did good deeds, you will reborn into a higher, better life. If you had bad Karma, you may be re-born as an insect or even a tree.

22 Hinduism is a religion but not all Indians are Hindus.
All Indians ≠ Hindus Hinduism is a religion but not all Indians are Hindus.

23 Worksheet: Pg 10 #3-5

24 Homelearning: Composition Notebook Remind app to 81010 Use full legal name

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