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Startup Name.

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Presentation on theme: "Startup Name."— Presentation transcript:

1 Startup Name

2 Current Problem Current Solution The Landscape

3 In 140 characters or less, describe your solution.
Our Product/Service In 140 characters or less, describe your solution. How is your solution better than the existing solution? What’s your ‘secret sauce’ (tech, process improvement, citizen engagement, etc.)? Our Solution

4 Our Approach How Does it Work?
Use images/text to do a quick walk through of your solution from a user perspective Our Approach

5 Our Team What are you the ultimate team to solve this problem? The Team

6 Market Size How Big Can this Get?
How big is your market? Talk in stats – people, money, etc. Show trends in your market and/or on the continent – will the market will continue to grow and exist? Each workshop created based on the feedback of our entrepreneurs, two years of incubation and the wider community. The demand is there based on polling our startups, the walk-in traffic and the wider community response of these proposed activities. Market Size

7 Revenue Model How we Make Money
Describe how you get your product to your users – subscription, referral, retail, etc. Describe how you make money Revenue Model

8 Competition Competitive Analysis Who are your competitors?
How are you better/different? Competition

9 Metrics & Projections Metrics & Projections
What figures tell you if you doing well or not? What do you think you can accomplish in the next 3, 6 and 12 months? Metrics & Projections

10 Investment The Ask How much money are you raising?
Break down your investment to show where the money will be deployed Investment

11 Get in Touch Names, phone numbers, addresses Contact Details

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