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Peer Edit and Self Grade So you know what you need to know…

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1 Peer Edit and Self Grade So you know what you need to know…
DBQ Peer Edit and Self Grade So you know what you need to know…

2 Set-up Please take one piece of plain printer paper Use only the front for your self grade Leave the back for peer editing comments Put the title “DBQ Imperialism ~ grading via the rubric” on your paper Remember to write your name and class period number on your paper

3 DBQ Imperialism NAME:____________
Grading via the rubric PER: _____

4 Following the Rubric Write the following categories down the left side of the paper Thesis Documents Evidence Point of View Groups New Source Expanded Core Total

5 Following the Rubric and marking text
Leave a space next to each category Decide on a symbol or a color that for each Use that symbol or color when marking your text

6 DBQ-Imperialism NAME:______________________ PER:____
Grading via the rubric CATEGORIES and TEXT MARKINGS Thesis ___ Documents __ Evidence _____ Point of View _____ Groups _____ New Source _____ Expanded Core _____

7 MARKING THE TEXT That is your first step, do that now. I will come back to the slideshow in 5 minutes. If you are not done, please pause, pay attention to new directions, and then continue.

8 Grading Columns Welcome back  When you are done marking the text, you are ready for your initial grading. Create two columns next to your categories The first should read “initial grade” The second should read “revised grade”

9 DBQ-Imperialism Grading via the rubric CATAGORIES and TEXT MARKINGS INITIAL GRADE REVISED GRADE Thesis _____ _______ _______ Documents _____ _______ _______ Evidence _____ _______ _______ Point of View _____ _______ _______ Groups _____ _______ _______ New Source _____ _______ _______ Expanded Core _____ _______ _______ Total __________ _________

10 Initial Grade Still working only with your own paper, go down the column for “Initial Grade” and decide how well you did in each category. Remember, you cannot even consider giving yourself 1 or 2 Expanded Core points unless you first earned a perfect 7 in the basic core. When you are done, please find someone else in the room who is also done and trade papers. You are now ready for some peer editing. Back in three minutes

11 Peer Editing The job of the peer editor is to use the back of the paper for comments. The peer editor is NOT GRADING the paper, but only making comments about the paper. Please keep in mind everyone in the room is working at a different pace. (A nightmare for classroom management issues!) There are some people in the room that did not bring a paper today. There are some people who came to class 100% prepared. Continue to next slide

12 Peer Editing Therefore, this is not going to work 100% perfectly. Let’s do the best we can. For everyone who brought an essay today, get somebody else to write at least one comment (related to the rubric) on the back of your grading paper. You are encouraged to only write on the back of the grading paper rather than the essay itself, leaving those marks for the author. The more the better, but time is finite and it is a sign of intelligence to work within a given framework. (It’s also a very employable skill!) (Bosses like that!) Back in 7 minutes

13 Revised Grade Lastly, read any comments made by your peers and determine your revised grade. Use the last column on your paper to award points and total them up. Staple your paper and grading sheet together and put it in the gold tray. You will keep the document packet. Continue to next slide

14 DBQ-Imperialism Grading via the rubric CATAGORIES and TEXT MARKINGS INITIAL GRADE REVISED GRADE Thesis _____ _______ _______ Documents _____ _______ _______ Evidence _____ _______ _______ Point of View _____ _______ _______ Groups _____ _______ _______ New Source _____ _______ _______ Expanded Core _____ _______ _______ Total __________ _________

15 Finishing Up Moving on to the scheduled lesson in 5 minutes. If you need more time, you will NOT be penalized for turning this in Friday After that, it is considered late work. You will need to find somebody to make comments on your own time and you are still responsible for doing all the grading you saw here today.

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