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Health Concerns.

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1 Health Concerns

2 Diet and Health There is a relationship between a proper and healthy diet and the prevention, control and maintenance of health concerns A doctor should always be consulted if you have any of the following health concerns

3 Anemia Causes Symptoms High Risk Prevention
Severe depletion of iron stores resulting in low blood hemoglobin Weak, tired, mental state can be affected (confusion) Menstruating women Eat foods high in iron – red meat, eggs, dark green vegetables, fortified cereals. **Vitamin C improve absorbs of iron

4 Colon Cancer Causes Symptoms High Risk Prevention
Genetics, not getting enough fiber in the diet Often, there are no early symptoms, but some individuals may have bloody stools, and abdominal pain People who follow a diet low in fiber Eat high fiber foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables (consume between grams fiber/day)

5 Diabetes – Type 1 (child,juvenile)
Causes Symptoms High Risk Prevention Hereditary – immune system attacks and destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas Increased thirst, frequent urination, extreme hunger, weight loss, fatigue, blurred vision, slow-healing sores N/A No prevention

6 Type 2 Diabetes (adult onset)
Causes Symptoms High Risk Prevention Excess body fat and inactivity Increased thirst, frequent urination, extreme hunger, weight loss, fatigue, blurred vision, slow-healing wounds Overweight and inactive individuals Maintain a healthy weight, eat nutritious foods, and being physically active

7 Heart Disease Causes Symptoms High Risk Prevention
Plaque forms along the inner walls of the arteries Chest pain, shortness of breath, pain, numbness and/or weakness or coldness in legs and/or arms Genetics, age, high fat diet, lack of exercise, high stress, smoke and tobacco use Decrease foods that are high in saturated fats and sodium and be physically active

8 Osteoporosis Causes Symptoms High Risk Prevention
Bones become porous and fragile due to lack of calcium Bones break easily, curvature of the spine Females, elderly, low calcium diet, thin, smoking, lack of exercise, alcohol use, chronic steroid use Eat plenty of foods rich in calcium such as milk and dairy products, broccoli, salmon, and figs

9 Obesity Causes Symptoms High Risk Prevention
Having too much body fat, lack of exercise (BMI > 30) Sedentary lifestyle, poor diet Balance calorie intake with output, eat nutrient-dense foods, avoid high sugar, sodium, fat, exercise

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