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CHAPTER 22 Public Relations Project

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1 CHAPTER 22 Public Relations Project
Purpose The Public Relations Project gives students an opportunity to promote their organization, a project, school, DECA chapter, or marketing department in a favorable manner to the community.

2 CHAPTER 22 Public Relations Project
Scenario Successful business leaders understand the importance of developing good community relations. Students participating in the Public Relations Project will demonstrate the skills needed in planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating a single public relations campaign conducted by the group. (continued on the next slide)

3 CHAPTER 22 Public Relations Project
Scenario The campaign may focus on any topic or subject of interest to the group and should involve the majority of the chapter members.

4 CHAPTER 22 Public Relations Project
Description The Public Relations Project can be completed by one to three students. The project consists of two major parts: the written document and an oral presentation by chapter representatives. The body of the written entry must be limited to 30 numbered pages, including the appendix (if an appendix is attached) but excluding the title page and the table of contents. (continued on the next slide)

5 CHAPTER 22 Public Relations Project
Description The oral presentation will consist of 10 minutes for students to present their public relations project and 5 minutes for the judge to ask questions about the project. (continued on the next slide)

6 The body of the written entry consists of the following parts:
CHAPTER 22 Public Relations Project Description The body of the written entry consists of the following parts: Executive Summary Campaign Theme or Focus Local Media and Other Promotional Possibilities Campaign Organization and Implementation Evaluation and Recommendations Bibliography Appendix

7 Performance Indicators Evaluated
CHAPTER 22 Public Relations Project Performance Indicators Evaluated Develop and/or identify a theme for a public relations campaign. Plan and organize a public relations campaign for the local community. Work as a team to successfully complete a public relations project. Implement a public relations campaign. Evaluate the planning and implementation process.

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