September 2015 Opening Report

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1 September 2015 Opening Report
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 September 2015 September 2015 Opening Report Date: Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm John Doe, Some Company

2 Voter Summary IEEE 802.19 has 30 voting members September 2015
Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm

3 Liaison Presentation on LTE-U
September 2015 Liaison Presentation on LTE-U At the July Plenary we had a presentation on LTE-U by Jingyi Zhou and Mingxi Fan The presentation went well and we had a good discussion Presentation available in document /57r1 Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm

4 September 2015 3GPP LAA Workshop 3GPP hosted a workshop on LTE Licensed Assisted Access (LAA) on August 29, 2015 in Beijing China LAA operates in the 5 GHz frequency band, also used by the most recent version of Wi-Fi (IEEE ac) The focus of the workshop was on coexistence of LAA and Wi-Fi in the 5 GHz frequency band A number of organizations were invited to attend and make presentations IEEE 802, Wi-Fi Alliance, Wireless Broadband Alliance, etc. Close to 300 people attended the workshop, which lasted all day There were six presentation each followed by good discussion as well as Q&A Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm

5 3GPP LAA Workshop Presentations
September 2015 3GPP LAA Workshop Presentations Licensed-Assisted Access to Unlicensed Spectrum – An Overview, 3GPP IEEE 802 submission to 3GPP LAA Workshop, IEEE 802 Wi-Fi and LAA Presentation by Wi-Fi Alliance to 3GPP LAA Workshop, W-Fi Alliance 3GPP Programs for LTE in Unlicensed Spectrum – Market Drivers and Deployment Considerations, Wireless Broadband Alliance Contribution to 3GPP LAA Workshop, A Group of Cable Operators Automotive Perspective on Licensed Assisted Access, General Motors Presentations are available at: _RAN_LAA/Docs/ Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm

6 September 2015 3GPP LAA Workshop The 3GPP members explained that during the work item (WI) many of the decisions are captured in the chairs report from each meeting RAN1 chair (Satoshi Nagata) volunteered to summarize the LAA portion of the RAN1 meetings and to the IEEE Summary of recent RAN1 meeting sent to reflector A new topic that came up was Coexistence Testing RAN4 will begin to look at specifying coexistence testing IEEE 802 could provide inputs on this topic including Coexistence Scenario descriptions Coexistence Metrics Test Plan Description Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm

7 September 2015 Task Group 1a (TG1a) The a PAR and CSD were approved by the Standards Board on September 3 Amendment to to expand to additional frequency bands This week is the first meeting of the Task Group Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm

8 Coexistence in the Automotive Environment – Interest Group
September 2015 Coexistence in the Automotive Environment – Interest Group Formed an Interest Group on Coexistence in the Automotive Environment Interest Group Chair – Alaa Mourad (BMW Group) Held several conference calls so far Additional calls scheduled up till November Will meet at the November Plenary Several documents on the server /73r1 /71r0 /65r0 Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm

9 September 2015 Schedule Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm

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