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Hinduism Buddhism.

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Presentation on theme: "Hinduism Buddhism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hinduism Buddhism

2 Western Religions

3 Judaism Beliefs and Teachings
Number of Gods 1 God – Yahweh Monotheistic Holy Book Torah – 1st five books of the Bible -- Old Testament Moral Law Ten Commandments Founder/ Leaders Abraham Priests,kings, prophets Final Goal A moral life through obedience to God’s law How does this compare to Hinduism and Buddhism???


5 Why did Christianity take hold in the Ancient World?
Jesus is born in Judea Jesus – both Jew and Roman Begins preaching throughout Judea – parables Crucified by the Romans Apostles (Followers) spread Message after Jesus dies Judea – province of Rome ruled by loyal Jewish leader Romans allowed Jewish people to worship their one god Many different religions in Empire Jews reluctantly lived under Roman rule Many wanted to revolt, believed a messiah would come to lead people to freedom Zealots wanted to rid homeland of Romans Rome Conquered Judea in 63 BCE

6 Early Christian Church
Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan in 313 CE granting freedom of worship to all citizens of the Roman Empire By the end of the 4th century, Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire Edict of Milan – tolerance of Christianity Legend – before a battle, Constantine prayed for success and saw a cross of light in the sky – allowed him to accept Christianity

7 Beliefs Monotheistic 10 Commandments
New Testament (also believe in the Old Testament or Jewish Bible) Afterlife – Heaven/Hell – eternal life Jesus – son of God – Messiah Holy city of Jerusalem Apostles spread message

8 Islam: The Arabian Peninsula
Founder: Muhammad born in Mecca 570 CE 610 CE: heard a voice saying “Proclaim!” began preaching social justice, equality, rejection of traditional gods 622: threatened with death, fled to Medina (Hijra) 630: w/ thousands of followers, returned to Mecca died in 632 Angel Gabriel visited Muhammad & told him to “recite the name of the lord” Prior to Muhammad: animistic religion – polytheistic different tribes/clans worshipped different gods

9 Beliefs of Islam Islam: “surrender to God”
monotheism: Allah Islam: “surrender to God” Muslim: one who submits to the will of God” Qu’ran (Koran): sacred text, believed to be direct literal word of Allah Islam completes the teachings of Judaism and Christianity Allah – arabic word for god – creator of heaven (paradise) and earth Priests are unnecessary – people communicate with god directly through prayer Qu’ran – holy book – word of god as revealed to Muhammad – translations are discouraged

10 Beliefs of Islam Continued…
Muhammad is the last and greatest prophet Others include: Abraham Moses Jesus Jews and Christians believe in these guys too

11 Beliefs ALMS HAJJ 5 times a day
Faith – there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet Prayer – 5 times a day toward Mecca – pre-dawn, noon, late afternoon, sunset, bedtime Alms – charity for the poor Fasting – no food or drink during daylight during holy month of Ramadan Hajj – pilgrimage to Mecca once in life – only for those who are financially and physically able

12 Holy city of Mecca during annual Hajj

13 the Ka’aba Ka’aba – most holy site for Muslims – in Mecca
The Qur'an states that the Kaaba was constructed by Abraham and his son Ishmael, after Ishmael had settled in Arabia[3]. One of the Five Pillars of Islam requires every Muslim to perform the Hajj pilgrimage at least once in his or her lifetime if they are able to do so. Multiple parts of the Hajj require pilgrims to walk seven times around the Kaaba in a Anti-Clockwise direction . The most dramatic times are during the Hajj, when about 60 million (officially) pilgrims simultaneously gather to circle the building on the same day.[4][5] ` the Ka’aba

14 Shari’a – Muslim Law “Whoever strays bears the full responsibility of straying.” No pork No gambling No drinking No marriage to non-believers No recognition of separation of Church and state Law set out in Qu’ran Shari’a covers beliefs, rituals and daily practices

15 Judaism Beliefs and Teachings
Number of Gods Holy Book Moral Law Founder/ Leaders Final Goal

16 Beliefs of Christianity
Describe five elements that led to the spread of CHRISTIANITY throughout the Roman Empire Beliefs of Christianity

17 Islam 610 CE: 630 CE: 570 CE: 622 CE: 632 CE: Beliefs of Islam


19 Judaism Christianity & Judaism Islam & Judaism All Three Islam & Christianity Christianity Islam

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