Wednesday September 24, 2014 Write in your agenda: Autobiography

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1 Wednesday September 24, 2014 Write in your agenda: Autobiography
Kernel Essay Homework: Read for AR/Complete Annotation Log.

2 Interactive Notebook In the table of contents add:
– Autobiography- page 40 Autobiography/Memoirs-page 41

3 Going Blind by Ray Charles and David Ritz
We are going to read Going Blind as a class on page 717 in the blue text book. You will be answering several comprehension questions and will answer each question in a complete sentence using text evidence.

4 Kernel Essay We are going to learn how to expand our kernel essay using revision stations. The first revision is the “snapshot”. Imagine that you are looking at a photograph of that moment. Use words to describe everything you can see in the snapshot. The second revision is the 5 senses. Write details to show every one of the senses. What did you see? What did you feel? What did you hear? What did you taste? What did you smell? The third revision is the thought shot. Imagine that people could hear everything you were thinking at that moment. Write down everything that went through your head, everything you thought right then. The fourth is the dialogue challenge. Imagine all the conversation that went on at that moment. Write down everything everyone said. The last revision station is the Ba-Da-Bing challenge. Write one Ba-Da-Bing sentence for that moment. This includes Where your feet were right then     What your eye saw right then     What you thought right then

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