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Presentation on theme: "Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome

2 Meet the Year 6 Team. 6HR: Mrs Hardwick Mon-Wed Mrs Rhodes Thur-Fri Ms Stevenson TA Mrs Jarvis 1:1 TA Mrs Rhodes/ Mrs Kirk TA 6BW: Mrs Watters FT Miss Boast TA Mon – Thurs mornings Mrs Rhodes TA Wed and Thurs afternoons Mrs Phillips TA Mon and Fri afternoons

3 Age Related Expectations
How is your child assessed? In September 2014, the Government introduced a new National Curriculum, known as National Curriculum 2014. - Emphasis on quality teaching, learning and ongoing teacher assessment (not always formal testing). - Nature of final assessments not confirmed. - Interim measures to account for rise in expectations. Levels Bands Below/ At / Above Age Related Expectations Aims: Secondary ready Mastery within age related expectations.

4 Balancing Support and Challenge
Meeting the needs of all learners through high quality teaching. On the spot intervention. Short term small group intervention. Making the most of teacher specialisms. Streaming for core subjects from Autumn 2. Booster sessions from January.


6 READING AT HOME Sit comfortably and limit distractions.
Before reading, discuss the cover or illustrations – what might the story be about? When listening, don’t rush to correct mistakes unless it significantly alters meaning. Characterisation – put on voices to make them come to life. After reading discuss what has been read. Ask questions about events, characters and predict what might happen next. Ask your child to make comparisons within the book and with other books Always praise and comment on progress. Read to them yourself and communicate your own enjoyment. Read with a dictionary to support reading as writers. Model being a reader yourself.

7 Writing It is school policy that children write cursively
We believe that writing is important not only in English lessons, but across the breadth of the curriculum The ‘Big Write’ Reading regularly boosts writing! Encourage children to write at home: Film reviews Stories Instructions Biographies Diaries Newspaper articles Poetry

8 Maths Times tables! New curriculum expectation at Year 3.
Not 6,12,18…but 1 x 6 =6, 2 x 6=12 etc. New curriculum emphasis on investigation and reasoning. Units covered so far: Ordering and Comparing Place Value Sequences and the nth term Rounding X 10,100 and 1000 Translation Reflection

9 We follow instructions with thought and care
Behaviour Policy Our 3 school rules that we expect all children to follow and Y6 to model: We follow instructions with thought and care We show good manners at all times We care for everyone and everything

10 Sharing British Values; Celebrating Diversity

11 You are welcome to spend time looking at our learning spaces and your child’s work.
Please see one of the team if you have questions or an appointment.

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