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Classical Civilisation

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Presentation on theme: "Classical Civilisation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Classical Civilisation
The Story of Rome

2 The Latin Alphabet (A,B,C…)
Covers about half the world

3 Latin Languages Cover about one third of the world

4 Roman Religion Influenced all the world

5 Which ‘countries’ were directly ruled by Rome?
Can you list them?

6 Countries ruled or made by Rome?
How many ‘countries’ can you see? How many were made by Rome?

7 How do the following ideas show the influence of Rome?
Senate Empire Concrete The Arch Plumbing Books Christmas

8 The Roman World Infrastructure: Roads Bridges Aqueducts Canals Trade

9 Roads Why this picture?

10 The Via Apia Over 2000 years old

11 Roman Streets An example from Pompeii

12 Via Munita Built to last…


14 Hispania The ‘A’ roads… a complex and interconnected world

15 High Street! Britain’s highest road cuts through the Lake District

16 Aqueducts- Pont du Gard
What do you see?

17 Aqueduct Segovia Gradient: the Pont du Gard of 34 cm per km, descending only 17 m vertically in its 31 miles

18 11 Aqueducts supplied Rome itself
The combined length of the aqueducts in the city of Rome is around 500 miles 29 miles above ground 300 million gallons per day needed for Rome What can we tell about an ancient city from the remains of its aqueduct?

19 Roman Bridges Ponte Pietra- what is the connection to aqueducts?

20 Roman Bridges Do you know the official title of the Pope?

21 Triumphal arches Key to Rome’s architecture?

22 Canals This later canal is the realisation of Emperor Nero’s plan

23 Roman Trade Operated on a world scale…

24 The Tower of Hercules Can you guess what this building (now in modern
Spain) was?

25 Roman Baths Bath

26 A Roman ‘insula’ How many stories?

27 The Forum in Rome More than just a shopping centre!

28 The Roman Forum What are you looking at?

29 Roman Temples The Pantheon

30 The Pantheon Looking up!

31 The Pantheon Internal view

32 Roman theatres Mime and Satire

33 Roman Amphitheatres The Coliseum

34 Roman Columns Pictures spiral all round- why?

35 Slavery

36 The Roman Army A Centurion and a miles

37 Useful fictions Aeneas Family values Respect for parents
Respect for the gods Sacrifice for Rome

38 The Tiber How significant is the Tiber? Rum

39 Seven Hills of Rome Look closely at the Tiber

40 Romulus and Remus Mars Rhea Sylvia She wolf Roma Foundation Myth

41 Etruscan Origins Why the truth does not fit…

42 Rome and Italy Conqueror? Patricians Equines Plebians Citizens
The deal

43 Roma and Carthage Why Hannibal didn’t win…

44 Rome and Greece Money, money, money

45 Rome’s internal struggle
The Gracchi

46 The Roman Consititution
The Government

47 Cato the Elder Censor

48 Crassus Mr Money

49 Marius Hero of the People

50 Pompey The Great

51 Julius Caesar Dictator

52 Cicero Our Hero

53 Cicero in the Senate Attacking Cataline


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