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Classical Civilizations: Ancient Rome

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1 Classical Civilizations: Ancient Rome

2 Roman Geography Ancient Rome built on 7 rolling hills near the Tiber River Near the center of the Italian Peninsula Roman centered near middle of Mediterranean Europe

3 Folklore of Rome’s Origin
Romulus and Remus were brothers Lived on the hills above Rome Uncle was a tyrant leader who wanted them dead. Left to die in wilderness Raised by a she-wolf. Romulus kills Remus; founds the city of Rome

4 Etruscan Kings and Starting the Republic
The Etruscans were one of the 1st inhabitants of Rome. Create a monarchy of cruel kings In 509 B.C., the last Etruscan king is driven from power Romans declare a republic; never to be ruled again by a king

5 The Roman Republic Republic- a form of gov.t where power rests with the citizens Voting only to free-born male citizens

6 Patricians vs. Plebians
Patricians- wealthy landowners Believe they inherited the right to rule & held most the power

7 Patricians vs. Plebians
Plebians- poor farmers, craftsmen and artisan with the right to vote Denied access to some govt positions. Create tribunes to protect against unfair attacks from Patricians

8 12 Tablets With no written legal code, Patricians interpret law to suit themselves Plebians create written code, 12 Tablets All free citizens have right to legal protections.

9 Rome’s Government The Consuls
Rome’s Republic had two Consuls Like Kings, one command the army and the other the govt. Power separate. 1 year terms One could overule the other Could not be consul for another 10 years.

10 Rome’s Government The Senate
Early Senate were wealthy patricians only. 300 members Held great influence over foreign and domestic policy. Later, plebeians were allowed to enter the Senate

11 Rome’s Government The Dictator
In times of war, dictators were nominated by Consuls & elected by Senate Held absolute power over army and government Served for 6 month terms only!

12 Rome’s Government The Army
Rome valued it army greatly. Divided into 5,000 person groups called Legions Included infantry, Calvary and skilled Centuries.

13 Roman Empire Expands By 265 B.C., Rome controls all of Italian peninsular Grant full citizen ship rights to Latins who lived across Tiber River Further conquered cities, people were roman citizen but no vote

14 Roman Empire Expands 4) Rome policy toward defeated cities was lenient
Supply troops for arm No alliances with Rome’s enemies 5) Lenient policy aids expansion and extends the time of Roman Empire.

15 Roman Empire & Trade Routes
Roman Empire expands throughout most of Europe. Trade makes Rome a wealthy empire Main exports: olive oil & wine Carthage of North Africa grow jealous

16 Punic Wars Rome vs. Carthage Three (3) Punic Wars over 80 years
Rome won 1st, capturing the island of Sicily 2nd Punic War- Hannibal of Carthage attacks Roman in Europe. 3rd- Roman general Scipio attacks Carthage. Wins Punic Wars Fall of Carthage gives Rome control of Mediterranean trade

17 Pax Romana: Rome’s Golden Age
Rome experience a civil war: rich vs. poor Julius Caesar elected consul Along with Crassus and Pompey, the 3 make up the Triumvirate. Dominate Rome for 10 years

18 Julius Caesar Rome experience a civil war: rich vs. poor
Julius Caesar elected consul Along with Crassus and Pompey, the 3 make up the Triumvirate. Dominate Rome for 10 years

19 Julius Caesar 5) Caesar and Pompey became enemies. 6) At Pompey’s urging, Caesar told to disband army and return from Gaul (France.) 7) Caesar crossing the Rubicon River and attacks Pompey. Eventually destroying it. 8) Caesar appointed Dictator. In 44 B.C. name Dictator for life!

20 Caesar’ Reforms 9) As absolute ruler, starts govt reforms. -expanded citizenship -jobs for poor -expand Senate -increased pay to soldiers 10) Some senators believe he became a tyrant. 11) Murdered by Brutus, a senator and his close friend.

21 Pax Romana: Rome’s Golden Age
1) Begun under Augustus Caesar 2) 207 years of peace 3) 3 million sq. miles of territory 4) 80 million in the empire 5) 1 million citizens of Rome 6) Many citizens enjoy the spectacular violence of the gladiator games at the Colosseum.


23 Spread of Christianity
During the time of the Roman Empire, Christianity spreads. Christians were a persecuted minority Suffered greatly at the hands of Romans including crucifixion Many were sent into the arenas to be slaughtered by animals/gladiators

24 Fall of Rome Inflation- overproduction of currency, $ devalued
High unemployment due to slavery Poor leadership Barbarians attacks the empire and Rome itself Hired mercenaries were expensive

25 Constantine and the Byzantines
Roman Empire divided. Emperor Constantine moves the capital to Byzantium, in modern day Turkey. Renames the city Constantinople. Constantine was 1st Christian emperor.


27 Rome’s Influence after the Fall
Latin, Rome’s language, remains language of education for centuries Architecture- Aqueducts & Arches Roman Principles of Law Innocent until proven guilty Burden of proof on accuser

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