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Training Workshop Sustainable Development Strategy for Larnaka

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1 Training Workshop Sustainable Development Strategy for Larnaka
1rst Session: MEDCITIES USUDS TOPICS Mediterranean Network for the Promotion of Urban Sustainable Development Strategies This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of USUDS Network and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union 12-14/12/2012 Larnaka Cyprus

2 The Mediterranean is an urban region
The city has become the human habitat The future depends on the future of the city Transportation and commerce Manufacturing Leisure Innovation ??? CULTURE 12-14/12/2012 Larnaka Cyprus

3 The recent history in the Mediterranean
Rapid urban growth Emergence of urban dysfunctions (territorial, social, economic, environmental...) Not suitable governance and administrative systems Governments (local and national) needs to be aggressive in order to attack these dysfunctions and to promote the cities CSDS is an appropriate tool to support this needed change 12-14/12/2012 Larnaka Cyprus

4 CSDS benefits for Larnaka
Municipal leadership Government multilevel coordination Involvement of urban stakeholders Consensus on key themes Partnership (public & public / public & private) Capacity to adapt to changes (internal & external dynamics) Coherent medium-term projects with long-term goals Identification, design and start up of strategic projects (capability to produce changes) 12-14/12/2012 Larnaka Cyprus

5 Main features (1/2) The complete implementation of Larnaka Sustainable Development Strategy will be a long term process (10 to 20 years). Nevertheless short term strategic projects should be included for tangible results. The implementing bodies of strategic projects are not only local or national administration. Private & public agents, as private enterprises, communities, foundations, universities, entrepreneurs organisations, trade unions, research centres, should be committed to implement specific projects. New tools for Strategy implementation will be joint PPP actions in many cases. Any SDS must be focused on all population, including slum dwellers and/or origins. Nevertheless SDS treatment (approaches, participation methods, etc) can differ for each sector. Youth and women should be considered as relevant to define population needs and economic and social strategic policies. 12-14/12/2012 Larnaka Cyprus

6 Main features (2/2) Decisions need consensus, which implies conflict management, mainly on land market, property rights and rights of development. Communication and awareness of citizenship & city stakeholders of SDS project shall be made from the project starting. Pre-diagnosis, the first step of a SDS is mainly a picture of the city on needs, strength, weakness, trends and behaviors: It is both a quantitative and qualitative approach, Sectors with a strong strategic component as mobility, environment, social inclusion, infrastructure, territorial uses or local economy shall be included. City vision of future, objective of the SDS, shall not be a projection of actual trends or existing city opportunities. The city vision is a result of an exercise of realistic willingness of citizenship. Financial resources needs and sources of financing appraisal shall be considered as a relevant factor of decision from the first steps of the SDS. 12-14/12/2012 Larnaka Cyprus

7 CSDS is practicality A City Sustainable Development Strategy is not just a technical work. It is mainly a political process for defining with city social and economic agents its desirable future and how to get it through implementing specific strategies and strategic projects. A main result of a CSDS is increase the capacity of the municipality to MANAGE CITY LONG TERM. A CSDS is at the end a list of strategic projects to do, through a appropriate project implementation MANAGEMENT 12-14/12/2012 Larnaka Cyprus

8 Management levels of CSDS building
USUDS proposes two levels of management: political and technical a) Political Mayor Municipal Council Core USUDS institutions nucleus (association, municipal group, foundation, etc) Instituted core group (recommended) : Steering Committee Consultation Committee (Civil society participation body) Sectorial working groups (participation of experts & city stakeholders) b) Technical Mayor or Mayor’s political representative Project Lead Coordinator Municipal staff implicated Local Team Coordinator Local Sectorial Experts International Expert Adviser Technical Steering Committee (recommended) Project lead coordinator (municipal staff) 12-14/12/2012 Larnaka Cyprus


10 USUDS Project objectives
The overall objective of the action is to promote the sustainable development and the social cohesion of Mediterranean cities through the use of urban sustainable development strategies (USDS) and networking. The specifics objectives are: create a network of cities interested in building strategies for urban sustainable development develop three new Urban Sustainable Development Strategies (CSDS) in Sousse, Saida and Larnaka. 12-14/12/2012 Larnaka Cyprus

11 Project summary Partners Three new CDS
Larnaka Sousse Saida Three new CDS Metropolitan Area of Barcelona CIEDES Foundation (Málaga) Sfax City Council Al Fayhaa Urban Community Larnaka Municipality Sousse City Council Saida Municipality Three Knowledge Transference Centers Málaga (KTC on Methology and best practices) Sfax (Magrhib Antenna for Dissemination and News CDS) Al Fayhaa (Middle East Antenna for Dissemination and News CDS) Associated partners Barcelona City Council Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Tirana Municipality Marseille City Council Ancona City Council GIZ Diputacion Barcelona (Province) Hariri Foundation SUH (Lebanon) Technological Platform situated in Barcelona and partner Cities Collaborative work Networking e-Learning (based on P2P experience) Data and documental base Visibility 12-14/12/2012 Larnaka Cyprus

12 USUDS networking objectives
Reinforce the cooperation mechanisms among Mediterranean cities and promote experience sharing among those who have already developed UDS experiences, also offering on-line consultancy, technical assistance and training missions to those wanting to begin. Train those cities interested in launching and developing their own UDS through specific encounters and through a set of training documents and on-line tools to facilitate their work. Work together to develop methodologies to define urban development strategies and social cohesion strategies. Transmit best practices from other cities in the world. Tackle key development issues for cities that are, at the same time, key issues in the development of the Mediterranean region. Impulse Joint Work Programs for Urban Development with interested International National Institutions. 12-14/12/2012 Larnaka Cyprus

13 Networking Platform 2.0 The specific objectives of the Technological Platform are: To promote collaborative exchange between network members To provide an effective instrument for the exchange of experiences To facilitate the decentralized work of different Knowledge Transfer Centres To ensure the maintenance and updating of on-line information of the Resource Centre. To support the work of Saida, Sousse and Larnaka in the their USUDS building 12-14/12/2012 Larnaka Cyprus

14 A methodology to serve a purpose
Main goal of USUDS Transforming the city by executing projects and aligning the strategic objectives of the different agents Social and economic agents (such as unions, entrepreneurs, administrations, associations, etc.) become active players in the urban transformation Strategy must territorialize: different territories for different societies 12-14/12/2012 Larnaka Cyprus

15 A focalised methodology…
To describe the real (objective) situation of the city (citizens, organizations…) To identify the key issues of the development of the city To outline the future of city with consensus To elaborate strategies to build this future To define projects to transform the city To establish a set of tools for its implementation 12-14/12/2012 Larnaka Cyprus

16 Plan means project Territorial development model
Territorial projects with a social impact Social projects with a territorial impact Territorial development model Social development model Territorial projects with a economic impact Social projects with a economic impact Economic projects with a territorial impact Economic projects with a social impact Economic development model 12-14/12/2012 Larnaka Cyprus

17 The main phases Foreseen timetable in the GAF, it will be modified
3 months 2 months 3 months 1 month 5 months 2 months ORGANISATION PRE-DIAGNOSTIC STRATEGIC DIAGNOSTIC SCENARIOS STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK ACTION PLAN MONITORING EXECUTING EVALUATION Workshops Public meetings 12-14/12/2012 Larnaka Cyprus


19 The objective of strategic urban planning is not to approve a good technical document, but to transform the city Project management is also strategy 12-14/12/2012 Larnaka Cyprus

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