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Stinson 5th Grade Stinson students will become lifelong learners in a child-centered environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Stinson 5th Grade Stinson students will become lifelong learners in a child-centered environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stinson 5th Grade Stinson students will become lifelong learners in a child-centered environment.

2 Your Fifth Grade Team Kalyn Marx 469-752-3457
Jeremy Cooper Lori Sloan Lindsey Schoen-Kiewert

3 5th Grade Schedule 7:30 – 7:45 Warm-up/Announcements
7:45 – 8:50 L.A. (1st rotation) 8:50-9:45 Specials 9:45 – 10:30 1st rotation continued 10:30 – 12:00 Math/I.C. (2nd rotation) 12:00 – 1:00 Math/I.C. (3rd rotation) 1:00-1:30 Lunch 1:30-2:00 Recess 2:00-2:35 3rd rotation continued 2:35 – 2:45 Homeroom – Stack/Pack 2:45 Dismissal

4 District Standard for Promotion
In order to be promoted, a student must have a final average of 70 or above in Language Arts and Math. Students must also pass STAAR Math and Reading.

5 Binder Use Agenda No loose papers, please.
Every binder will have subject tabs. The schedule and agenda will be located at the front of the binder. Binders are for student-use, not parent-use. Parents are encouraged to keep a graded-paper file at home in case there are any grade or missing assignment questions.

6 Communication Students and parents can access information and grades at this website. User ID/password is the same as at school. Grades are current within the week. Join Bloomz

7 Parent Portal 1.) Go to
2.) Column on far right “Popular Links” Click on Parent Portal 3.) Set up a log-in account and password 4,) This website can notify you if your child is absent or if grades have dropped below your designated level. An is sent to the parent. 5.) This is the most current and accurate record of your child’s grades.

8 Grading Policy Daily Work 40% of grade. Major Grades 60% of grade.
Grades will be entered on Mondays. Late papers will be recorded as a “0” “0” will remain if work is not turned in by Friday of the week the “0” was posted. It is the student’s responsibility to make up any “0” or incomplete work. Students must monitor assignments on Students with a failing grade on a major evaluation will have one opportunity to retake the evaluation after re-teaching and/or tutoring. The highest grade possible will be a 70%.

9 Homework Policy Each student is responsible for writing homework assignments in his/her agenda. Homework should take no longer than about fifty minutes per evening. Help set up a consistent, organized place at home for homework to be done. Help your child establish a consistent schedule for completing homework. Encourage, motivate, or prompt your child, but try not to do their homework for them. Homework is part of work habits/study skills.

10 Miscellaneous Students are encouraged to have their own flash drive to save work. Children are also encouraged to bring their own headphones/ear buds to use on the computers or listen to music. Personal devices are welcome at school. Each child is responsible for his/her property. Parent Conferences are October 10 Please read dress code on page 3 in the agenda. Birthday treats will be passed out at 1:30 during recess.







17 Collin County Adventure Camp Reminders:
September 13 – 15 Cost - $220 – Credit card, check, cash, money order, or pay online. Background checks for potential chaperones needs to be completed by August 21, 2017. Deadline for payment and student and parent chaperone paperwork: September 1, 2017.

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