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一般过去时的被动语态 Passive Voice The door was closed The cup was broken.

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Presentation on theme: "一般过去时的被动语态 Passive Voice The door was closed The cup was broken."— Presentation transcript:

1 一般过去时的被动语态 Passive Voice The door was closed The cup was broken.
By Pizza Passive Voice The flowers were watered The books were taken away.

2 1. Pizza is a good teacher, the students love her.
True or False 1. Pizza is a good teacher, the students love her. 2. Pizza wants to be a DOCTOR . 3. Pizza drew well, she wanted to be an artist when she was young. T Pizza’s daughter Xiao Niu F T

3 Watch&Answer What did Pizza do just now? opened
Pizza ______ the book just now. Pizza ______ the blackboard just now. Pizza _________the lights just now. Pizza_________ his books just now. cleaned turned on took away

4 Pizza opened the book. 主语 谓语 宾语 The book was opened by Pizza. 主语 谓语 宾语
主动语态 The book was opened by Pizza. 主语 谓语 宾语 被动语态

5 主动语态 Pizza cleaned the blackboard. 主语 谓语 宾语 The blackboard was cleaned by Pizza. 主语 谓语 宾语 被动语态

6 主动语态 Pizza turned on the lights. 主语 谓语 宾语 The lights were turned on by Pizza. 主语 谓语 宾语 被动语态

7 主动语态 Pizza took away his books. 主语 谓语 宾语 His books were taken away by Pizza. 主语 谓语 宾语 被动语态

8 一般过去时的被动语态(Passive Voice)
Pizza打开了书。 打开 Pizza opened the book just now. The book was opened by Pizza. 书被Pizza打开了。 被打开 单数 subject 主语 + waswere + past participle 过去分词 复数

9 The book was opened by Pizza just now.
被打开 The blackboard by Pizza just now. was cleaned 被擦干净 The lights by Pizza just now. were turned on 被 打 开 His books by Pizza just now. 被 拿 走 were taken away

10 Irregular Verbs (部分不规则动词) take took taken eat ate eaten grow grew
Past tense(过去式) PP.(过去分词) take took taken eat ate eaten grow grew grown build built send sent buy bought feed fed

11 take took eat ate grow grew build built send sent buy bought feed fed
Irregular Verbs (部分不规则动词) Verb(原形) Past tense(过去式) PP.(过去分词) take took eat ate grow grew build built send sent buy bought feed fed taken eaten grown built sent bought fed

12 Practice

13 The farm was built by Ali baba last year.
What things were done by him last year? The farm was built by Ali baba last year.

14 The trees were planted by Ali baba. Ali baba planted the trees.
For example: ____was/were ____ by Ali baba. What things were done by him last year? the trees planted The trees were planted by Ali baba. Ali baba planted the trees.

15 The flowers were watered by Ali baba.
____was/were ____ by Ali baba. the flowers watered The flowers were watered by Ali baba.

16 The wheat was grown by Ali baba.
____was/were ____ by Ali baba. the wheat grown The wheat was grown by Ali baba.

17 The cows were fed by Ali baba.
____was/were ____ by Ali baba. fed The cows were fed by Ali baba.

18 The sheep were taken care of by Ali baba.
____was/were ____ by Ali baba. taken care of The sheep were taken care of by Ali baba.

19 The house was built by Ali baba.
____was/were ____ by Ali baba. built The house was built by Ali baba.

20 Listen, Listen, Listen

21 my daughter: Xiao Niu

22 Listen and fill in the blanks.
Xiao Niu’s birthday And her cousins Many gifts to Xiao Niu. And a big cake The cup And her new T-shirt were 被 邀 请 invited were sent 被 送 给 was 被 吃 eaten was 被 打 破 broken was cleaned 被 洗 干 净

23 Talk, Talk, Talk

24 Welcome to Magic Land.(欢迎来到魔法王国)
Make a sentence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

25 1 (2points) 2 (8points) 3 (10points) 4 (5points) 5 (3points)
Choose your lucky numer. 1 (2points) 2 (8points) 3 (10points) 4 (5points) 5 (3points) 6 (10points) 7 (15points) 8 (3points) 9 (5points) 10 (8points)

26 The window__________ was broken
Listen to the sound, and make a sentence. The window__________ was broken

27 The potatoes_________ were cut
Listen to the sound, and make a sentence. The potatoes_________ were cut

28 Look at the picture, and make a sentence.
was opened The door ________

29 was cleaned The blackboard __________
Look at the picture, and make a sentence. was cleaned The blackboard __________

30 面条昨天被妈妈吃了 The noodles were eaten by mother yesterday.
Translate this sentence. 面条昨天被妈妈吃了 The noodles were eaten by mother yesterday.

31 这些建筑物是工人们在1982年建的。 These buildings were built by workers in 1982.
Translate this sentence. 这些建筑物是工人们在1982年建的。 These buildings were built by workers in 1982.

32 I _______ (抓了)a bird today. A bird____ ______ by me today. (被抓了)
Complete the sentence. I _______ (抓了)a bird today. A bird____ ______ by me today. (被抓了) caught caught was

33 I _______(拔掉) my loose tooth. My loose tooth ____ _____ by me.(被拔掉)
Complete the sentence. pulled I _______(拔掉) my loose tooth. My loose tooth ____ _____ by me.(被拔掉) was pulled

34 根据所给的关键词复述Xiao Niu的生日派对
Xiao Niu’s cousins, invite Many gifts, send A big cake, eat The cup, break Xiao Niu’s new T-shirt, clean


36 Write

37 Stop the robber ____was/were ____ by ______. The bank, the money,
the wall,the robber, the money……

38 Leading roles (主角) Key words: break — broken take away — taken away
beggar (乞丐) robber (抢劫犯) Key words: break — broken take away — taken away knock(撞) down — knocked down pick up — picked up

39 broken

40 taken away

41 knocked down

42 picked up

43 ____was/were ____ by ______.
broken taken away knocked down(撞) picked up

44 A bank robbery happened last night.
Stop the robber A bank robbery happened last night. The bank ___________.The wall of the bank ___________, and the money______________ The alarm bell went off (警铃响起), and the police ran after(追赶) the robber. But at last the robber ___________________by the train. The money ______________by the beggar. How amazing it was! was robbed was broken was taken away was knocked down was picked up

45 The happy class Let's chant! Happy, happy, happy in class;
books, books, books were opened; blackboard, blackboard, blackboard was cleaned; lights, lights, lights were turned on; grammar, grammar, grammar was learned

46 Homework 1.Read Unit3, Topic1 SectionA
2.Memorize the useful grammar which we learn today. 3.Preview Section B.

47 Thank you ! Goodbye!

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