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Who Am I?.

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Presentation on theme: "Who Am I?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Am I?

2 1 Founder of Rational Emotive Therapy
Focused on changing irrational thinking to reduce maladaptive behavior

3 2 Personality theorist developed three levels of traits
Cardinal traits, Central Traits, and Secondary Traits

4 3 Founder of Structuralism Used introspection
Studied the conscious experience

5 4 Behaviorist Famous “Little Albert” Study proved that fear could be learned and generalized

6 5 Neo-Freudian Believed that childhood social experiences, especially birth order and not sexual tensions were crucial for personality development

7 6 Linguist Disagreed with Skinner and said that language was innate. Said that humans had an inborn understanding of universal grammar.

8 7 Theories emphasized psycho-social development
People evolve through 8 stages over the life span each marked by its own crisis.

9 8 Studied cognitive development Identified four stages Sensorimotor
Preoperational Concrete Operational Formal Operational

10 9 Father of operant conditioning Believed free will was a myth
Known for using different reinforcement schedules to elicit behavior of different animals inside the operant chamber.

11 10 Humanist Developed client centered therapy
Believed that each human is unique and should focus on positive growth potential

12 11 Humanist Developed the Hierarchy of needs theory
Believed that lower levels dominant and individuals motivation as long as they are unsatisfied.

13 12 Discovered Classical Conditioning
Identified the major components in studies with dogs and the salivation reflex

14 13 Neo-Freudian Developed the theory of the collective unconscious- an innate shared understanding Developed the theory of archetypes The shadow The Joker The wise old man

15 14 Discovered the Law of Effect
Used the puzzle box with cats to prove that behaviors that are rewarded are repeated.

16 15 Multiple intelligence theory Started with 8 and grew to 9

17 16 Studied observational learning
Proved that modeling anti-social behavior with the Bobo doll experiment, would increase the likelihood of children demonstrating that behavior.

18 17 Studied intelligence Disagreed with Gardner and Spearman
Believed in a triarchic theory of intelligence Analytical Creative Practical

19 18 Linguist Hypothesis was called linguistic determinism
Concluded that our language shapes our world view and thinking

20 19 “Fixed” Little Albert Used deconditioning and systematic desensitization

21 20 Personality theorist Believed Personality to be determined by genes
Believed that personality could be broken down into two components Stable/Unstable Introvert/extrovert

22 21 Developed the general IQ test
Frenchmen, designed tests to recognize and identify students in the French public school system that would need remedial help

23 22 Developed a theory of moral development
Pre-conventional Conventional Post-conventional Considered sexist by many including Carol Gilligan

24 23 Social Psychologist Conducted the famous Stanford Prison Study
Focused on the power of the situation

25 24 Social Psychologist Studied obedience
Had a subject shock a patient to the extent that they would be seriously injured

26 25 Studied attachment in monkeys
Identified bodily contact as important to basic trust

27 26 Developed psychoanalytic theory Focused on unconscious desires
Id, Ego, Super Ego

28 27 Studied attachment children
Secure v. Insecure Developed the strange situation experiment

29 28 Social Psychologist Studied Conformity
Tested to see if subjects would conform if all members of a group gave an incorrect response

30 29 Studied Learned Helplessness in Dogs
Believed that when people develop an extreme external locus of control they will take punishment

31 30 Studied Emotion Developed a theory that facial expressions were universal

32 Who Am I? ANSWERS

33 Albert Ellis Founder of Rational Emotive Therapy
Focused on changing irrational thinking to reduce maladaptive behavior

34 Gordon Allport Personality theorist developed three levels of traits
Cardinal traits, Central Traits, and Secondary Traits

35 Wundt Founder of Structuralism Used introspection
Studied the conscious experience

36 Watson Behaviorist Famous “Little Albert” Study proved that fear could be learned and generalized

37 Adler Neo-Freudian Believed that childhood social experiences, especially birth order and not sexual tensions were crucial for personality development

38 Chomsky Linguist Disagreed with Skinner and said that language was innate. Said that humans had an inborn understanding of universal grammar.

39 Erikson Theories emphasized psycho-social development
People evolve through 8 stages over the life span each marked by its own crisis.

40 Piaget Studied cognitive development Identified four stages
Sensorimotor Preoperational Concrete Operational Formal Operational

41 Skinner Father of operant conditioning Believed free will was a myth
Known for using different reinforcement schedules to elicit behavior of different animals inside the operant chamber.

42 Rogers Humanist Developed client centered therapy
Believed that each human is unique and should focus on positive growth potential

43 Maslow Humanist Developed the Hierarchy of needs theory
Believed that lower levels dominant and individuals motivation as long as they are unsatisfied.

44 Pavlov Discovered Classical Conditioning
Identified the major components in studies with dogs and the salivation reflex

45 Jung Neo-Freudian Developed the theory of the collective unconscious- an innate shared understanding Developed the theory of archetypes The shadow The Joker The wise old man

46 Thorndike Discovered the Law of Effect
Used the puzzle box with cats to prove that behaviors that are rewarded are repeated.

47 Gardner Multiple intelligence theory Started with 8 and grew to 9

48 Bandura Studied observational learning
Proved that modeling anti-social behavior with the Bobo doll experiment, would increase the likelihood of children demonstrating that behavior.

49 Sternberg Studied intelligence Disagreed with Gardner and Spearman
Believed in a triarchic theory of intelligence Analytical Creative Practical

50 Whorf Linguist Hypothesis was called linguistic determinism
Concluded that our language shapes our world view and thinking

51 Mary Cover Jones “Fixed” Little Albert
Used deconditioning and systematic desensitization

52 Eysenck Personality theorist
Believed Personality to be determined by genes Believed that personality could be broken down into two components Stable/Unstable Introvert/extrovert

53 Binet Developed the general IQ test
Frenchmen, designed tests to recognize and identify students in the French public school system that would need remedial help

54 Kohlberg Moral development Preconvetional Conventional
Post conventional

55 Zimbardo Social Psychologist
Conducted the famous Stanford Prison Study Focused on the power of the situation

56 Milgram Social Psychologist Studied obedience
Had a subject shock a patient to the extent that they would be seriously injured

57 Harlow Studied attachment in monkeys
Identified bodily contact as important to basic trust

58 Freud Developed psychoanalytic theory Focused on unconscious desires
Id, Ego, Super Ego

59 Ainsworth Studied attachment children
Secure v. Insecure Developed the strange situation experiment

60 Asch Social Psychologist Studied Conformity
Tested to see if subjects would conform if all members of a group gave an incorrect response

61 Seligman Studied Learned Helplessness in Dogs
Believed that when people develop an extreme external locus of control they will take punishment

62 Ekman Studied Emotion Developed a theory that facial expressions were universal

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