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Speaker Apprehension Test

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1 Speaker Apprehension Test
1=strongly agree 2=agree 3=undecided 4=disagree 5=strongly disagree

2 Assessment Statements
1. I have no fear of giving a speech. 2. Certain parts of my body feel stiff and tense when I am giving a speech. 3. I feel relaxed while giving a speech 4. I face the prospect of giving a speech with confidence. 5. While giving a speech I get so nervous I forget information I really know. 6. My thoughts become confused and jumbled when I’m giving a speech.

3 Speaker Apprehension

4 And………..


What is Speaker Apprehension? A. Many people develop negative feelings about their ability to communicate orally. B. They predict that their communication efforts will fail. C. They feel that whatever gain they would make as a result of engaging in communication, is not worth the fear they would experience. D. As a result, apprehensive speakers avoid communication situations and, when forced to participate, participate as little as possible. Devito, (2010)

III. Degrees of Apprehension A. Some people are so apprehensive that they are unable to function in any communication situation. B. Other people are so mildly apprehensive that they appear to experience no fear at all. (Their butterflies fly in formation). Devito, (2010)

IV. The Bruskin Report, (1973) A survey of 2,543 male and female adults by Bruskin Associates (1973) reported that speaking before a group was the primary fear among Americans. This group was ask what was their greatest fear? 41% percent said public speaking and 18% said death!

“Data gathered over an eight-year period from nearly 20,000 students at Michigan State University, Illinois State University, and West Virginia University indicated that between 15 and 20 percent of students suffered from oral communication apprehension encounters” (McCroskey, 1977).

Oral Communication in the 21st century Krannich (2004) the fear of delivering a speech or a presentation ranks as the number one fear among most people including students as well as adults from diverse backgrounds (p. 1). The author also found that fear of speaking in front of a group of people is the principle reason why thousands of employees are declined job promotions (Krannich, 2004).

11 Can Apprehension Affect Your Decision-Making?
You Bet! “The results indicated that individuals with average and high levels of communication apprehension had greater decision-making confusion, commitment anxiety, and external conflict than persons with low levels of communication apprehension” (Meyer- Griffin, Reardon, and Hartley, 2009)

V. A study of 813 college students about their fears about 12 objects and situations. Fear of Spiders 34% Public Speaking 31% Snakes 22% Heights 18% Injections 16% Source: Seim, R. W., and Spates, C. R. (2010). The Prevalence and Comorbidity of Specific Phobias in College Students and Their Interest in Receiving Treatment. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 24 (1),

VI. Culture and Speaker Apprehension A. “When you are in an intercultural situation say, when your audience is composed largely of people of cultures very different from your own you are more uncertain about the situation and about the audience’s possible responses” (Devito, 2010). “Intercultural situations can also engender fear” (Devito, 2010). For example, have a greater of saying something that will prove offensive or revealing your own prejudices. Intercultural communication creates anxiety. D. Your thoughts and feelings about the group will also influence your apprehension.

Since the world is flat and countries are doing business with each other more and more, the Chinese have decided that the teaching of public speaking can produce more qualified and competent employees in an ever increasing competitive society (Zang and Shi, 2009).

VII. Factors Influencing Communication Apprehension A. Perceived Novelty B. Subordinate Status C. Conspicuousness D. Dissimilarity E. Prior History Lucus, (2010)

16 How To Alleviate Apprehension
Tips for dealing with Apprehension 1. Enroll in a public speaking class. 2. Think positively. 3. Take deep breaths. 4. Work hard on your introductions. 5. Concentrate on communicating with your audience, not your nervousness. Lucus, (2013)

17 How To Alleviate Apprehension, Cont’d
Make eye contact with your audience. Use visual aids. Practice Get to know your audience Preparation Eat Chocolate Appearance Pray Put it all in perspective Lucus, (2013)

18 Is There Help For Me If This Doesn’t Work?
If none of this works for you, you may want to consider professional help. “Cognitive behavioral therapy can be a successful treatment for reducing fear of public speaking” Hall-Flavin, (2014)

19 Help! CBT is a kind of therapy that seeks to to change negative thoughts and behaviors into positive behaviors when talking to a therapist who specializes in this kind of therapy (Mayo Clinic Staff 2013).

20 Help! Other options include beta-blockers. However remember, some beta-blockers are more effective than others. Generally, beta-blockers are used to treat high-blood pressure (retrieved on March 14, from

21 Help! Social anxiety disorder may require treatment with medications, talk therapy (psychotherapy) or a combination of the two.

22 Did You Know???? College students in committed relationships experience fewer mental health problems than those not in committed relationships. So, if you don’t remember anything I’ve said to you regarding this discussion it is probably good idea to find you a………..

23 the

24 For Your Information… Additional information you should know about public speaking. 1. NEVER admit that you are nervous!!! 2. Making a mistake, isn’t an unusual occurrence in public speaking. 3. Even experience speakers, get nervous. 4. The most important thing to remember, is think and visualize success!!! Lucus, (2013)

25 “Who Am I?” I am ………. 20 Different Times

26 My Question for you is, “How Is Your Self-Esteem?”

27 Self-Esteem and Mortality
Retrieved on March 10, 2013 from, Self-Esteem and Mortality In 2013, Suicide was the eleventh leading cause of death for all ages. *Suicide In 2013, suicide was the third leading cause of death for young people ages 15 to 24. Of every 100,000 young people in each age group, the following number died by suicide: Children ages 10 to 14 — 0.9 per 100,000 Adolescents ages 15 to 19 — 6.9 per 100,000 Young adults ages 20 to 24 — 12.7 per 100,000

28 Self-Esteem and Mortality, Cont’d
Older Americans are disproportionately likely to die by suicide. Of every 100,000 people ages 65 and older, 14.3 died by suicide in 2009. This figure is higher than the national average of 11.3 suicides per 100,000 people in the general population. White men age 85 or older had an even higher rate, with 47 suicide deaths per 100,000. Retrieved on March 10, 2013 from,

29 Sources Devito, J. A. (2013). The elements of public speaking. New York: Addison, Wesley, & Longman. Lucus, S. (2013). The art of public speaking. New York: McGraw/Hill.

30 Additional Sources Bruskin and Associates. What Americans are afraid of. Bruskin, 1973. Krannich, C.R. (2004). 101 Secrets of highly effective speakers: controlling fear, commanding attention. [Recorded by B. McDonald] [CD] New York: Listen & Live Audio, Inc. McCrosky, J.C. (1977). Oral communication apprehension: A summary of recent theory and research. Human Communication Research, 4, Sheets, B.H., & Tillson, L. (2007). Strategies to improve students’ presentation skills. Retrieved on May 3, 2007 from

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