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The Relationship between Individual and State

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Presentation on theme: "The Relationship between Individual and State"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Relationship between Individual and State
Hint: The State Normally Wins

2 Differences Power Authority Legitimacy
Sources: Results, Habit, Historical/Religious/Ethnic Identity, Procedures

3 What Makes a Good Citizen?
Tolerance Active Participation High Level of Interest and Information Varying Support for the State, the Regime, and the Government How well do we do with these?

4 Social Capital and Political Culture
What are they? Why do they matter?

5 Political Socialization
What makes us what we are politically?

6 Constitutions

7 The Social Contract What is it? Hobbes Locke Rousseau

8 How They Vary… Is it fully written out? Length?
Is it better to be specific or be vague? Why?

9 Principles of Design Importance of Long-Standing Traditions
Importance of Amendability Importance of Incentive Compatibility

10 So How Do We Write One? The great question…

11 Types of Government Confederacy Unitary Federal
How do these impact constitutions? How much centralization is good?

12 Final Thoughts… Rule of law Constitutionalism

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