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Psi Iota Chapter, St. Vincent College Fall 2016 Member Meeting

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1 Psi Iota Chapter, St. Vincent College Fall 2016 Member Meeting
Kappa Delta Pi Psi Iota Chapter, St. Vincent College Fall 2016 Member Meeting

2 President: Nicole DelBene Vice President: Marissa Pecora
Historian: Kaitlin Smith Secretary: Caitlin Kruzynski Treasurer: Jordan Conville

3 KDP National:

4 Club This Year Improved Attendance at KDP and Education Events
SVC Wraps, Homecoming, ECE Dinner, etc. Outreach to Community More service Increased Membership Invited students who apply for membership and attend Initiation Recruitment Goal= 40

5 Check the Sign-In Sheet to see if you owe dues
Due annually to maintain membership KDP National Chapter Dues $45/one year or $80/two years Local $10 per year Check the Sign-In Sheet to see if you owe dues

6 You will track your hours on our KDP website:
Honor Cords 2.6.1 Members must demonstrate a commitment to Kappa Delta Pi, Psi Iota Chapter through attendance at meetings and events. 2.6.2 Members must commit to be involved, through attendance and/or volunteering, at other education events and with other education clubs. 2.6.3 Members will earn points each semester; one point will be awarded for each event attended. Members must accumulate 4 points per each year of membership to be eligible for Honor Cords. The Secretary of the Psi Iota Chapter will be responsible for keeping track of earned points. 2.6.4 Information about education department and Psi Iota events will be published on the St. Vincent College Education webpage. You will track your hours on our KDP website:

7 Pittsburgh, David L. Lawrence Convention Center
Our chapter met the Chapter Challenge goal through paid chapter memberships. We will receive recognition & a plaque at Convo 2017

8 Chapter Activities This Year

9 Service Projects: Nicole
Goal is one per semester (2 total) 1 should be the Literacy Alive project What should our project look like? What is our 2nd project?

10 Professional Development: Caitlin
Two per year 1 will be a speaker in the spring (last year KDP sponsored Dr. Bart Rocco) Speaker Ideas What else will we do?

11 Participation in Campus Events: Jordan
WHAT IS THE ROLE OF KDP? Homecoming Sat., Sept 24th Table: What will we offer? Sign-Up Sheet Founder’s Day SVC Wraps Donation and Help Spring Family Weekend Others?

12 Initiation Ceremony: Kaitlin
Date Sunday in March 2017 Check other Big Events on Campus Speaker Ideas Logistics Food Program Set-up Changes?

13 Fundraising: Marissa What will we do to fundraise this year?
Speaker Donations to SVC Wraps (How much?) Pay for items for events on campus Homecoming Table Activities Gift for Initiation Speaker Raffle Items at Meetings Initiation Costs Etc. What is our fundraising goal? Fundraising Authorization Form Office of Campus Life

14 Our Next Meeting will be… Tuesday, October 11, 2016 9:20 p.m. Prep 100

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