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Literacy Phonics Maths Notices

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1 Literacy Phonics Maths Notices
Newsletter Reception Class 4th March 2016 Literacy This week we have been reading the classic fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk. We even received a special letter from the giant! This week we have been working very hard to produce our own letters back to the giant. We have also been writing our own sentences to describe the giant. I have been extremely impressed with the work that has been produced, well done Reception! We have all had a brilliant week in Reception this week! We have been reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We even made our own magic beans and the next morning they had grown into a big beanstalk in the role play corner! We have all enjoyed dressing up as the giant and re-telling this story in the role play corner! In addition to this, we have been making Mothers Day cards and have been talking about why are Mums are special to us. Phonics We have learnt the following sounds from phase 3 this week. These sounds are air and ear. We have been learning to spell the tricky words she, he, me and be. Maths This week we have been learning to recognise and write numbers Some children have also looked at writing numbers to 50. Wow! We have also been working out which numbers are bigger and which are smaller. Well done! Notices This weeks homework is sound air and ear. And to refresh yourself with all sounds done so far. Your child also has two small task to complete in their learning together book. Please can I stress the importance of reading with your child at home. Please can you try to aim to read with your child for 10 minutes every night. Many thanks for your continued support, Miss Brown.

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