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Algebra 2 Honors Mr. Hanks AFHS

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Presentation on theme: "Algebra 2 Honors Mr. Hanks AFHS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Algebra 2 Honors Mr. Hanks AFHS 2009-2010

2 Algebra 2 Honors vs. Algebra 2
Similar homework assignments Tests a little harder Sometimes a little faster Higher expectations No missing assignments Attendance Grades Precalculus Honors next year

3 What you need everyday:
Textbook Calculator 3 ring binder Paper Pencils Red pen/pencil

4 Calculator One of the three:
You already have one ti-83 thru ti-86 ok Buy one ti-84 is best About $90 Bring me your proof of purchase Rent one ti-83 $20 in (is) financial office Take receipt to book depository Don’t lose or break it, $50 fine

5 3 Ring Binder Dividers Paper Pencil pouch Homework (Keep all term)
Quizzes (Keep all year) Reviews and Tests (Keep all year) Paper Pencil pouch Pencils Red pen or pencil for correcting

6 Assignments There will be an assignment every night, due at the beginning of class. Worth 10 points each Graded on effort and correctness If you are absent, all assignments are due your first day back. Otherwise they are late. Find them out before you are absent Find them out from a friend Available online at Late assignments get half credit One free late pass per term

7 Quizzes About two per chapter (one per week) Worth 15 points each
Graded on effort and correctness If you do poorly, you can re-take a quiz before the next class Quiz re-takes must be taken in my room before of after school Students who miss taking a quiz may take the quiz before or after school, but may not re-take the quiz.

8 Tests Three Unit tests per term Worth 100 points No retakes
If you are absent, you will take the test on your first day back If you are absent on the review day, you will still take the test with the class Sluffing the day of the test results in a zero on the test

9 (Point total, not weighted)
Grade Breakdown: (Point total, not weighted) % A % C % A % C- % B % D+ % B % D % B % D - % C+ Below 60% F

10 Attendance School attendance policy
You will receive no credit on your: 4th tardy 4th absence Attendance school hours are posted

11 Class Rules Show respect to everyone Come to class prepared Be honest
No headphones/cell phones during the lesson Do not use the hall pass during the lesson Come to class prepared Book, calculator, pencil and paper Be honest No Excuses! Work hard and you can do it!

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