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Biomes More Biomes! Terrestrial Aquatic Forest Biomes 100 100 100 100

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Presentation on theme: "Biomes More Biomes! Terrestrial Aquatic Forest Biomes 100 100 100 100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biomes More Biomes! Terrestrial Aquatic Forest Biomes 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 What is a BIOME?

3 A large geographic area that is categorized by its climate, flora (plants), and fauna (animals).

4 What biome is Georgia located in?

5 The temperate deciduous forest!!

6 Most of the landmass near the Equator is of this biome:_____

7 Tropical Forest *Remember…not all tropical forests are rainforests, and not all rainforests are tropical!

8 All life must be adapted to the biome in which they live in
All life must be adapted to the biome in which they live in. What are 2 behavioral and 2 physiological adaptations for organisms in the desert?

9 Answers may vary. Examples: Physiological/Physical- Many animals are cold blooded; many are tan to camouflage with the sand; camels have long eyelashes to keep sand out of their eyes, many animals have to sweat glands, deep roots by plants, etc. Behavioral- Many animals are nocturnal to escape the heat from the day; many burrow in the sand to keep cool; plants only open leaf pores during the night to decrease transpiration rate.

10 All life must be adapted to the biome in which they live in
All life must be adapted to the biome in which they live in. What are 2 behavioral and 2 physiological adaptations for organisms in the marine biome?

11 Answers may vary. Examples: Physiological/Physical- gills, slick bodies to swim, camouflage, angler fish’s light on its head, etc. Behavioral- plants attach to rocks so waves won’t take them away, whales sounds to hunt, symbiotic relationships

12 Which biome has a lot of plants that produce seeds in cones?

13 Taiga! (or coniferous forest)

14 What is unique about the temperate deciduous forest’s flora?

15 The trees lose their leaves during the winter

16 What is so unique about the Sargasso Sea ecosystem?

17 The Sargasso Sea contains animals who are very well adapted (camouflaged) to their environment that it is hard to tell them apart from the plant life.          

18 How much precipitation can a tropical rainforest receive in a year?

19 Your book says 400cm (157.5 inches), but…if you do some research, you’ll see a lot of other numbers. The important part is…it’s more rainfall than any other biome!

20 Are all deserts dry and hot?

21 Nope. All deserts are dry; < 10” of rain/year
Nope! All deserts are dry; < 10” of rain/year. But…some deserts are cold (like the Gobi and Great Basin…and ice cream…oh…wait…that’s dessert).

22 What is the name for the soil in the tundra that is always frozen?

23 Permafrost

24 Name three specific grasslands.

25 Pampas(in Argentina), steppes(in Mongolia), and prairies (in the Western US).

26 Which land biome has the most biodiversity?

27 The tropical rainforests
The tropical rainforests! They only cover approximately 3% of Earth; however, 50% of all life live there!

28 What is one of the primary food sources in the Arctic polar ice ecosystem?

29 Plankton

30 Describe the temperate grasslands.

31 Temperate grasslands are located in the mid-latitudes and in the interior of continents. They have characterized by a lot of grasses and few trees. The summers are mild and the winters are quite cold.

32 What is an estuary?

33 An area wherein freshwater combines with saltwater (brackish)
An area wherein freshwater combines with saltwater (brackish). This creates a unique ecosystem because of the water’s low-level salinity.

34 What are the conditions in the intertidal zone to which organisms must be adapted?

35 -Being underwater at times and exposed to the air at others
-Being underwater at times and exposed to the air at others. -Drastic temperature changes. -Exposure to heavy wave action. -Changes in salinity.

36 What are the four zones of the marine biome?

37 1. Intertidal- found between the tides
1. Intertidal- found between the tides. Life must tolerate constant pressure and changing water levels. 2. Neritic zone- between the tide line and the continental shelf; life is vibrant with coral reefs and lots of sunlight. 3. Oceanic zone- the top layer of the open ocean.; whales live here! 4. Benthic zone- deepest part of the open ocean; constantly dark so no photosynthesis can occur; many bizarre looking animals.

38 What is the difference between a marsh and a swamp?

39 Both are wetlands. However, marshes have no trees and swamps do have trees.

40 Explain how succession happens in a lake.

41 Over time the lake can fill with sediment
Over time the lake can fill with sediment. Plants begin to grow as light can now reach the bottom. As the plants continue to flourish, more debris builds up on the bottom. The decay of this material uses up available oxygen and that changes what can live there. If enough sediment builds up...a forest will start to develop.

42 What are the three different forest biomes?

43 Rainforest Deciduous Forest Coniferous Forest

44 Why are temperate deciduous forests found here and Europe?

45 They have similar abiotic factors influencing the type of life
They have similar abiotic factors influencing the type of life. The climate (temperature and precipitation) determine the type of life found in these areas. Also, their location on Earth. Both are located in the mid-latitudes which influences its climate!

46 What biome is being described below
What biome is being described below? Day temperature: 93F Night temperature: 68F Precipitation: 400 cm/year Location: Amazon and the Congo

47 The tropical rainforest.
It receives the most average precipitation than any other biome. It is described as “warm and wet” and found near the equator.

48 What biome is being described below
What biome is being described below? Summer Temperature: 57F Winter Temperature: 14F Precipitation: cm/year Location: Canada and Northern North America

49 The Taiga (coniferous forest) The taiga is has long cold winters and short warm summers. Many animals are camouflaged in seasons because they change their fur color. Because there is not a lot of rainfall, trees have needle-like leaves with a waxy coating to prevent loss of water. It is the largest land biome in the world, covering the majority of Canada and Russia.

50 What biome is being described below
What biome is being described below? Summer Temperature: 82F Winter temperature: 43F Precipitation: cm/ year Location: Southeast US (Georgia!) and Western Europe

51 The temperate deciduous forest
The temperate deciduous forest! The TDF is characterized by four distinct seasons. It’s trees shed their leaves every year (deciduous) It’s climate is described as “mild” which is why it is so easy to live in!

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