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Imperialism and Africa

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1 Imperialism and Africa
Summer School

2 Imperialism What is Imperialism?
Seizing of a country or territory by larger or more powerful country by military or coercive means.

3 Africa before Europeans
African groups were able to keep Europeans out until the mid 1800s Disease and Terrain 1880s Euro powers controlled less than 10% of Africa. Within 20 years 95% would be controlled by Euro powers. Why? How?

4 Why Africa? Raw Materials Social Darwinism
Industrial revolution drove desire for raw materials. Social Darwinism Non-Europeans on lower scale of Human development and Europeans were more advanced and deserved to thrive and conquer those under them. Racism Belief that one race is superior than another.

5 How did they do it? Technology Lack of organization of African tribes.
Railroad Steam engine Automatic machine gun Telegraph Lack of organization of African tribes. They couldn’t agree on how to get rid of Euro’s

6 Berlin Conference 1884-1885 Berlin Germany
14 European nations lay down rules for dividing up Africa so they don’t get into wars with each other. Did not care about ethnic or rival differences between African tribes. Resources so great they did not care which Africans they hurt to get their resources. Resources – Gold, Diamonds, rubber, Copper, Lumber, Cocoa, oil, peanuts. See MAP

7 Africa looks for Independence

8 Achieving Independence
After helping European nations fight for Freedom in WWII, Africans wanted freedom for their own countries. European powers did not always see eye to eye on the issue of freedom. 1950s to 1970s Some had to fight, others gradually took control

9 Obstacles to independence
Colonial country mattered Creating new government Artificial and ethnic borders now mattered Fighting between African groups Lack of stable economies

10 Ghana Formerly called Gold Coast
First African country to gain independence Mostly peaceful independent movement done with strikes and boycotts of British. Led by Kwame Nkrumah Gains independence in 1957 Struggled to survive economically

11 Kenya and Algeria Violent Independence movements
Algeria - France Kenya – British Both had issues with colonists who refused to give up their land to the natives. Violence erupted between colonists and natives. Kenya Independence ,000 Africans dead. 100 settlers dead Algeria 1962 – Thousands dead on both sides

12 Congo (Zaire) and Angola
Congo – Belgium ruled with iron fist When they wanted independence – Belgium decided to just up and leave in 1960. A power struggle ensued leaving the country in civil war off and on for the last 50 years. Angola – Portuguese ruled with iron fist Portugal had no intentions to let them ever leave. Sends 50,000 troops to put down movement. Costs half of Portugal national budget. Portugal finally gives up and grants Angola freedom in 1975.

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