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Independent Reading (10 Minutes)

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1 Independent Reading (10 Minutes)
When you finish, write on a post-it: what texts do you rarely read, but would like to try out? Consider the variety: plays, songs, poetry, short stories, vignettes, informational nonfiction, memoir, graphic novels, etc. Please also include a topic you enjoy reading about. (This is for the read in next Friday)

2 Social Justice Vocab

3 Empathy the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

4 Sympathy feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.

5 Social Justice justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.

6 Civil Rights Movement The national effort made by black people and their supporters in the 1950s and 1960s to eliminate segregation and gain equal rights.

7 Women’s movement movement to secure legal, economic, and social equality for women, also called the feminist movement. It has its roots in the nineteenth-century women's movement, which sought, among other things, to secure property rights and suffrage for women.

8 Gay Rights Movement homosexual rights movement that advocates equal rights for gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, and transsexuals.

9 Stonewall Riot/Rebellion
A disturbance that grew out of a police raid on the Stonewall Inn, a popular hang- out for gays in Manhattan 's Greenwich Village in Such raids long had been routine, but this one provoked a riot as the crowd fought back.

10 Counterculture A protest movement by American youth that arose in the late 1960s and faded during the late 1970s. According to some, young people in the United States were forming a culture of their own, opposed to the culture of Middle America. Many participants burned draft cards to protest the Vietnam draft.

11 Desegregation the elimination of laws, customs, or practices under which people from different religions, ancestries, ethnic groups, etc., are restricted to specific or separate public facilities, neighborhoods, schools, organizations, or the like.

12 Discrimination the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.

13 Stereotyping a standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment.

14 an unfortunate, difficult, or precarious situation.
Plight an unfortunate, difficult, or precarious situation.

15 Advocate (s) (Noun) person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy

16 Diversity the inclusion of different types of people (as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization

17 Feminism the belief that women and men should have equal rights and opportunities

18 Socio-Economic relating to or concerned with the interaction of social and economic factors

19 awareness; especially : concern for some social or political cause
Consciousness awareness; especially : concern for some social or political cause

20 Social Conditioning training individuals in a society to respond in a manner generally approved by the society in general and peer groups within society.

21 Controversy a prolonged public dispute, debate, or contention; disputation concerning a matter of opinion

22 permission for something to happen or agreement to do something
Consent permission for something to happen or agreement to do something

23 Mainstream the ideas, attitudes, or activities that are regarded as normal or conventional; the dominant trend in opinion, fashion, or the arts.

24 Subculture a cultural group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at variance with those of the larger culture.

25 Deviation the action of departing from an established course or accepted standard

26 Factions a small, organized, dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics.

27 not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.
Aloof not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.

28 Look in the folder. There is a list of all of the words we used for our games
Fill in your packet with all of the words you are unfamiliar with

29 Read Around Please take an article from the middle of your table group. Read it and respond to it on the provided worksheet in the appropriate space. As you learn interesting facts, post them! When you learn something you did not know and find shocking or interesting, write it on a post it note and stick it to the board. We will have five minutes at each section (the longer articles are to be read over two or more sections)

30 Share with me: Did you notice a difference between the passages you read when you had the words defined for you vs when they were not defined? What kinds of books do you think naturally come with “guides” like this?

31 Trustworthy sources. What is the difference BETWEEN TRUSTWORTHY AND UNTRUSTWORTHY?

32 Homework Complete the paraphrasing sheet using the trustworthy source from your homework last night.

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