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The Road to War… Ch. 12 sec. 1. The Road to War… Ch. 12 sec. 1.

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2 The Road to War… Ch. 12 sec. 1

3 *Causes of World War I-----
***Imperialism---scramble for colonies in the 1800s— --Africa, Asia, Pacific—Euro powers tried to get hands on any colonies they could --competition for the remaining lands led to conflict among the powers of Euro/Japan --Eng. & France were rich in colonies---Germany was jealous. Realized it could only get better by taking colonies from other countries ***Militarism---policy of aggressively building up a nation’s armed forces in preparation for war—giving the military more power over government --Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Gr. Britain, Russia—all spent TONS of $$$ on new weapons & warships to expand their armed forces

4 ***Nationalism---countries acting in their own interest
--national pride --hundreds of ethnicities in the colonies of Euro countries—all have ties to different countries (Russia protected Slavs in Serbia, for example) ***Alliances---complicated system of alliances among the Euro powers --bound each of the countries to come to each other’s aid in the event of attack—signed treaties

5 *June 28, 1914---Archduke Franz Ferdinand & wife are visiting Sarajevo—capital of Bosnia
--Ferdinand is heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne --Bosnia is a province in Austro-Hungarian empire --Ferdinand & wife are in an open car….. --A Serbian terrorist approached the car, shot Sofia Ferdinand & Archduke…killing them almost instantly….. *This is the spark that lights the powder keg of the Great War…

6 *Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for assassinations
--July 23, A.H. demands Serbia cease its support of terrorists……in two days --July 28, A.H. does not like Serbian response and declare war! *Sets off a chain reaction across Europe w/ the alliances --Russia mobilizes troops on July 29, 1914 (Serbia’s protector) --Germany (A.H.’s main ally) demands Russia stop mobilizing—Russia refused --France (Russia’s ally) begins to ready its troops…so does Germany *Aug. 1, Germany declares war on Russia— *Schlieffen Plan---quick sweep through France—knock out the French, then turn east & defeat Russia.


8 *To invade France, Germany MUST go thru Belgium
--invasion of Belgium forced Gr. Britain to declare war against Germany --One week later---all great powers of Europe are at war….divided into TWO sides--- --Central Powers---Germany & Austria-Hungary --Allies--- Russia, France, Serbia, Gr. Britain *Each side felt confident in a quick victory…..not the case --Germany gets w/in 30 miles of Paris, but is stopped by Eng. & French armies…..stalemate---situation in which neither side is able to gain the advantage *Both armies are holed up in long lines of muddy, rat-infested trenches---space in between trenches = No Man’s Land…



11 *East—Russian army invaded Germany & Austria-Hungary
--Germs. had to send more troops east and had to fight in both east & western directions Ottoman Empire (modern-day Turkey) joins the Central Powers……Italy joins Allies --more stalemate fighting --Bulgaria joins Central…..Romania = Allies **Modern Warfare----new forms of killing machines used --poison gas….machine guns & rapid fire artillery…..hand grenades….artillery shells…. **Generals used to old way (sheer numbers) & not used to new weaponry wasted thousands of lives……

12 *All Quiet on the Western Front….

13 *The American Response---
--More than 1/3 of American were immigrants w/ direct ties to the countries at war in Europe! --some Americans were for the Central Powers…..most were for the Allies & hoped for a quick victory for the Allies --Kaiser Wilhelm II---Emperor who ruled over the people --opposite of democracy --Americans scared of efficiency & strength of Germ. Killing abilities *Brit. newspapers published false propaganda---info intended to sway public opinion---against Germ. **American trade---war in Europe threatened trade & $$$$ for the U.S., so they declared NEUTRALITY……but……

14 WWI color footage

15 Some Americans who liked Gr. Brit. urged getting ready for war…
*Some Americans who liked Gr. Brit. urged getting ready for war… in a position of preparedness --By Wilson worked out agreement w/ Congress for huge increases in armed forces *Peace movement--- --members were all kinds…..Populists, Progressives, social reformers, women --wanted to tax arms makers to pay for preparedness ***It was Wilson who kept America out of war……for now…….

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