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Plant Structure, Reproduction, and Development

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1 Plant Structure, Reproduction, and Development

2 Angiosperms Cotyledons – embryonic leaves Monocot – one embryonic leaf
Dicot – two embryonic leaves Differences between Monocots & Dicots Veins are parallel /branched Vascular bundles complex /ring Leaves arranged in multiples of 3 /multiples of 4 or 5 Fibrous roots /taproot

One cotyledon Main veins usually parallel Vascular bundles in complex arrangement Floral parts usually in multiples of three Fibrous root system DICOTS Two cotyledons Main veins usually branched Vascular bundles arranged in ring Floral parts usually in multiples of four or five Taproot usually present Figure 31.2

4 Angiosperms Most angiosperms are dicots
This group includes shrubs, trees (except conifers), and many of our food crops Monocots include orchids, bamboos, palms, lilies, and grains and grasses.

5 Plant Body Roots have root hairs – outgrowth of epidermal cells
Root system – anchors the plant into the soil Roots have root hairs – outgrowth of epidermal cells Shoot system – part of plant above ground stems – support leaves and grounded nodes – points where leaved are attached leaves – main site of photosynthesis terminal bud – node at tip of plant; responsible for growth lengthwise; apical dominance (inhibits growth of axillary buds) axillary buds – located in angles formed by the leaf; usually dormant; causes the plant to become bushy

6 Terminal bud Blade Leaf Flower Petiole Axillary bud Stem SHOOT SYSTEM Node Internode Taproot Root hairs ROOT SYSTEM Figure 31.3

7 Modified Roots and Shoots
STRAWBERRY PLANT Modified taproots – sweet potatoes, sugar beets, & carrots/ stores starch Uses this stored sugar source for active growth and producing flowers and fruit Modified Stems runner – horizontal stem rhizomes – horizontal stem underground tubers – white potatoes that are at the end of rhizomes that store sugar Runner POTATO PLANT Rhizome IRIS PLANT Rhizome Tuber Taproot Root

8 Modified Roots and Shoots
Modified leaves Grasses have no petioles Celery have enormous petioles that we eat Tendrils have coiled tips which aid in climbing Cactus have spines

9 Plant Tissue Systems Epidermis Vascular System Covers and protects
First line of defense Cuticle is the waxy substance that helps plants to retain water Vascular System xylem/phloem – transports water and nutrients support

10 Plant Tissue System Ground Tissue System Filling spaces, bulk
Parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma Photosynthesis, storage, support

11 Plant Tissue System Roots Epidermis Ground tissue Vascular Bundles
Covers roots Entrance for water and nutrients May form root hairs No cuticle Ground tissue Cortex – parenchyma, store food Endodermis – selective barrier, thin layer of cells decides what passes between vascular tissue and cortex Vascular Bundles xylem – spokes of wheel phloem – fills in wedges between spokes

Xylem Phloem Epidermis Cortex GROUND TISSUE SYSTEM Endodermis Figure 31.6B

13 Plant Tissue System Leaf Epidermis Ground Tissue Vascular System
Covered by cuticle Small pores called stomata Surrounded by guard cells Ground Tissue Mesophyll composed of parenchyma cells and chloroplast Air located in spaces between cells Vascular System Vein – composed of xylem and phloem surrounded by parenchyma cells

14 Figure 31.6D

15 Plant Tissue System Stem Epidermis Ground Tissue Vascular Tissue
Thin layer of cells Covered by cuticle Ground Tissue Dicot - 2 parts / Monocot – 1 part (ground tissue) Pith – food storage Cortex – fills spaces Vascular Tissue Occurs in vascular bundles Dicot – ring Monocot - random

16 Figure 31.6C

17 Plant Cells Three main differences between animal cells and plants cells are Cell wall Central vacuole chloroplasts Figure 31.5A

18 Plant Cells Five Major Types of Plant Cells
1. Parenchyma cells – most abundant type Remain alive at maturity Primary cell wall (thin) Function in food storage and photosynthesis Multisided 2. Collenchyma cells primary cell wall (thick) alive at maturity provide support in plants that are still growing

19 Parenchyma Cells Primary wall (thin) Pit Figure 31.5B

20 Plant Cells 3. Sclerenchyma cells Rigid secondary walls
Hardened with lignin Found in regions that is not growing Dead at maturity Two types of sclerenchyma cells Fiber – long and slender and occurs in bundles; hemp fibers make rope Sclereid – stone cell; short, irregular shaped secondary wall; found in nutshells and sead-coats

21 Sclerenchyma Cells Pits Secondary wall Fiber cells Primary wall FIBER
Figure 31.5D

22 Sclerenchyma Cells Sclereids (stone cells) Secondary wall
Sclereid cells Primary wall Pits SCLEREID Figure 31.5D continued

23 Plant Cells 4. Water-Conducting cells
Rigid, lignin-containing secondary cell walls Cells are dead at maturity Hollow in the middle Functions in support Two types of water-conducting cells 1. Tracheids – long cells with tapered ends 2. Vessel Elements – wide, short cells Pits Tracheids Vessel element Pits Openings in end wall

24 Plant Cells 5. Food – Conducting cells (sieve tube members)
-arranged end to end - thin primary walls with no secondary wall -alive at maturity -transports sugars and minerals -sieve plates – located at the ends of the sieve tube members

25 Sieve Tube Members Sieve plate Companion cell Cytoplasm Primary wall

26 Primary Growth Indeterminate growth – continue to grow as long as they live Annuals – wheat, corn, rice Biennials – beets, carrots Perennials – trees, shrubs, grasses

27 Primary Growth Apical meristem – lengthwise growth
Root cap – protects apical meristem in roots Two functions of root apical meristem Replaces cells of root cap Produces cells for primary growth

28 Primary Growth Three regions of roots Elongation
Epidermis (outermost) Cortex (bulk) Vascular tissue Elongation uptake of water cellulose fibers extend (accordion) forces roots into soil Differentiation – caused by master gene; causes unspecialized cells to specialize

29 Vascular cylinder Cortex Epidermis DIFFERENTIATION Root hair ELONGATION Cellulose fibers CELL DIVISION Apical meristem region Root cap Figure 31.7B

30 Primary Growth Three Zones Cell division Elongation Differentiation

31 Flower Reproduction The angiosperm flower is a reproductive shoot consisting of sepals petals stamen carpels Anther Carpel Stigma Ovary Stamen Ovule Sepal Petal Figure 31.9A

32 Fertilization of an Angiosperm
Formation of a pollen grain Cells that make pollen grains are located in the anther Meiosis- four haploid spores that eventually form two haploid cells called a tube cell and a generative cell Wall forms around the two cells known as a pollen grain Animals, wind, and water transport pollen grain (male gametophyte)

33 Fertilization of an Angiosperm
Formation of an Egg Cell Megaspore mother cell – forms 4 haploid megaspores and three degenerate Surviving megaspore enlarges/ mitotic division End Result – One large cell with two haploid nuclei and six smaller cells. One of the six smaller cells is the haploid egg.


35 Pollination Sugar/enzymes on stigma causes tube cell to grow and form pollen tube Both cells (generative cell and tube cell) travel to embryo sac Generative cell forms two sperm cells One sperm cell fertilizes the nucleus with the polar nuclei (triploid nucleus/3n)

36 Pollination One sperm cell fertilizes egg cell (diploid nucleus/2n)
Triploid forms endosperm/functions to nourish embryo (popcorn) Flowering plants (double fertilization) Alternation of generations Haploid – female gametophytes (ovules/egg), male gametophytes (generative cell/sperm) Diploid – sporophyte (plant/flower); produces haploid spores by meiosis

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