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Presentation on theme: "Surrealism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surrealism

2 1.) What is Surrealism? 20th-century movement in art and literature that tried to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind, by using the irrational juxtaposition of strange images in dreamlike compositions.

3 Let’s break that down. 20th-century movement in art and literature that tried to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind, by using the irrational juxtaposition of strange images in dreamlike compositions. What does the unconscious mind mean?

4 1a.) Unconscious mind…. Using the imagination as the primary resource
Dropping the need to recreate reality Letting your creativity do the creating, not the brain Allowing your ideas to be random and dreamlike

5 Let’s break this down further.
20th-century movement in art and literature that tried to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind, by using the irrational juxtaposition of strange images in dreamlike compositions. What does it mean by irrational juxtaposition?

6 Irrational Juxtaposition…..
Juxtaposition means incorporating strange objects in contexts that don’t really make sense. For example….

7 2.) When did Surrealism take off?
This began between ’s.

8 3.) What made this kick off?
Surrealism in the art world actually was a result of a literary movement. This movement focused on automatic writing known as Automatism.

9 4.) What was automatism? Automatism tried to release the uninterrupted subconscious mind to produce something exciting and surprising. Surrealists took this idea and used it to create their surreal paintings.

10 5.) Who were some Surrealists?
A. )Salvador Dalí

11 5.) Who were some Surrealists?
B.) Rene Magritte

12 5.) Who were some Surrealists?
C.) Max Ernst

13 5.) Who were some Surrealists?
D.) Yves Tanguy


15 Rene Magritte The Son of Man

16 Salvador Dalí, Persistence of Memory

17 Max Ernst Two Children Are Threatened by a Nightingale

18 Yves Tanguy Indefinite Divisibility

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