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Found Poems.

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Presentation on theme: "Found Poems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Found Poems

2 What is a found poem? How do I create a found poem?
A found poem takes words collected from multiple sources to create a poem that communicates something about the source (main idea, emotion behind the source, etc.) How do I create a found poem? As you read, create a list of words that catch your attention. They could be related thematically - linked by an emotion or idea you want to communicate in your poem, for example, or they could be words that strike you Use this list to help you create a general idea for a poem and fill in needed words from there (finding words like “the,” and “it” when necessary, for example)

3 Your assignment: Read 4-6 narratives from those who remember the attacks Collect possible words for your poem as you go Create a line poem Your choice: Rhyming or not, number of lines per stanza Must ONLY be made from words found in the narratives Must convey an idea, feeling, or message about the September 11, 2001 terror attacks

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