Bringing Words To Life 4th Grade Akiak.

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Presentation on theme: "Bringing Words To Life 4th Grade Akiak."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bringing Words To Life 4th Grade Akiak

2 Vocabulary Notebooks

3 Bringing Words To Life refuge rooting courageous Akiak

4 In the story, a dog sled team took refuge from the blizzard.
A refuge is a safe place.

5 You need to take refuge in your basement if there is a tornado.

6 In which situation would you need to take refuge? During a hurricane?

7 refuge Or during a movie?

8 That’s right! You would need to take refuge during a hurricane?

9 refuge Name some situations where you might need to take refuge.
Discuss them with your partner.

10 rooting All the townspeople were rooting for Akiak, who is an old dog and it’s her last chance to race. If you are rooting for someone, then you are cheering for them.

11 rooting The soccer fans were rooting for the player to score a goal and tie the game.

12 rooting In which situation would a person more likely be rooting for something? During music class?

13 Or during a spelling bee?
rooting Or during a spelling bee?

14 That’s right! You would root for someone during a spelling bee.
rooting That’s right! You would root for someone during a spelling bee.

15 rooting Describe an event when you were rooting for someone.
Discuss it with your partner.

16 If you are courageous, then you are brave or fearless.
Everyone decided that Akiak was the most courageous dog for running the sled race alone. If you are courageous, then you are brave or fearless.

17 courageous The courageous woman jumped into the cold water and rescued the drowning cat.

18 courageous In which situation might a person be called courageous? If they calmed a crowd of angry protesters?

19 Or if they helped build a house?
courageous Or if they helped build a house?

20 courageous That’s right! A person would be called courageous if they calmed a crowd of angry protesters.

21 Review

22 If not, don’t do anything.
rooting Making Choices If any of the things I say might be examples of things you would be rooting for, give a silent cheer. If not, don’t do anything.

23 a person riding a merry-go-round
rooting Making Choices a basketball team a bird flying a biker in a bike race a person riding a merry-go-round

24 If not, don’t do anything.
refuge Making Choices If any of the things I say would cause you to take refuge, cover your head. If not, don’t do anything.

25 refuge Making Choices a sunny day a hurricane a sand storm
a cloudy day

26 courageous Making Choices If any of the these people are courageous, say “courageous”. If not, don’t do anything.

27 courageous Making Choices firemen garbage men clowns policemen

28 Bringing Words To Life blizzard whiteout burrowed Akiak

29 More Vocabulary

30 blizzard a snowstorm with strong winds

31 whiteout a type of snowstorm in which blowing or falling snow and clouds that makes it difficult to see

32 burrowed A hole or tunnel in the ground that an animal makes to live in or for safety

33 Bringing Words To Life musher experienced volunteer Akiak

34 musher the driver of a dogsled team

35 experienced familiar with a task from having done it before

36 volunteer A person who does work without getting paid to do it

37 Bringing Words To Life rugged checkpoint vowed Akiak

38 rugged having a rough, uneven surface or terrain

39 checkpoint a place along a route where people sign in

40 vowed A serious promise to do something or behave in a certain way, an oath.

41 What did you learn today?
Let’s try to use these words as we work and play today.

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