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Regulatory Commissions

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1 Regulatory Commissions
Interstate Commerce Commission (I.C.C.) 1887 – was the 1st regulatory commission and was established to regulate railroads *Set Routes; Set Rates; Set Wages; Set Safety Standards.

2 St. Lawrence Seaway – created in 1959 – by Canada and the U. S
St. Lawrence Seaway – created in 1959 – by Canada and the U.S. – with the major by-product of “electricity” National Traffic Safety Commission – to regulate traffic on the nation’s highways – it has established the safety standards of the “seatbelt” and the “air-bag”

3 The Federal Aviation Agency (F. A. A
The Federal Aviation Agency (F.A.A.) – regulate the nation’s air traffic Basic Jobs: Set safety standards; Control the nation’s air traffic They control civilian, not military, aircraft National Aeronautics and Space Administration (N.A.S.A.) controls the U.S. space programs (Space Shuttle)

4 Federal Communications Commission (F. C. C
Federal Communications Commission (F.C.C.) – regulate the nation’s public airways (broadcasting) *License stations; Set frequencies; Censor material; Fire employees who refuse to follow the guidelines set by the F.C.C.

5 Political Broadcasting – if you “give” airtime to one candidate, you must offer the same – equal – time to all candidate “for that office” COMSAT- Communications Satellite Corporation – no longer government owned

6 Nuclear Regulatory Commission – (N.R.C.)
Controls peaceful uses of nuclear power; Controls nuclear material for military. Federal Energy Conservation Commission – this commission pays private individuals for their production of “energy” (electricity)

7 How do regulatory commissions change our lives?
*Prices may go up; Taxes may go up; Material may be censored. Why are regulatory commissions not fully independent? Money and Politics!

8 U.S. Postal System – 1792 Ben Franklin was an early colonial postmaster who is credited with laying the foundations for the postal system *1st Class – Fastest – letters; 2nd Class – Not as fast – newspapers and magazines; 3rd Class – “Junkmail” – advertisements; 4th Class – Slowest – large packages.

9 Prohibited articles in the “regular” mail service:
*Explosives; Drugs; Alcoholic Beverages; Live Animals; Firearms.

10 Tennessee Valley Authority (T.V.A) – 1933
Major Accomplishments: Production of electricity; Increase in the standard of living. Think Tanks RAND Corporation – the major customer of the Rand Corporation is the Defense Department

11 Basic jobs of the Rand Corporation:
Set war strategies; Advise on the types of military aircraft this nation needs. Mitre Corporation – works closely with the federal government in the field of electronics

12 The Environmental Protection Agency – E. P. A
The Environmental Protection Agency – E.P.A. – regulatory commission that tries to improve the quality of our air and water supplies The Drug Enforcement Administration – D.E.A. – works to stop the transportation of illegal drugs and narcotics The U.S. Forest Service – deals with the cutting of timber on federal lands

13 Food Safety and Quality Service – establishes the grade and quality of meats, fruits, and vegetables
Occupational Safety and Health Administration – O.S.H.A. – investigates on the job accidents and safety requirements in the work place

14 Patents – exclusive right given by the government to an invention
Trademark – exclusive right given by the government to a “symbol” Copyright – exclusive right given by the government to a literary work Patent and Trademark Office – Protects rights of inventors and artists in above

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