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Finite and Non-Finite Verbs

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Presentation on theme: "Finite and Non-Finite Verbs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Finite and Non-Finite Verbs

2 Finite Verbs A finite verb is a form of a verb that has a subject (expressed or implied) and can function as the root of an independent clause; an independent clause can, in turn, stand alone as a complete sentence. A sentence does not make sense without a finite verb. A finite verb gives meaning to a sentence.

3 Finite verbs must agree with the number and person of its subject.
Example: I love food. The “I” agrees with the word “love.” Kevin loves food. The word “Kevin” agrees with the word “loves.”

4 If the tense of the sentence changes, then the form of the verb also changes. Such a verb is a finite verb. Example: He works at the photo shop. (Simple present tense) He worked at the photo shop. (Simple past tense)

5 Non Finite Verbs A non-finite verb (sometimes called a verbal) is any of several verb forms that are not finite verbs; that is, they cannot serve as the root of an independent clause.

6 Non-finite verbs are not bound by tense, person or number of the subject.
Richie hates working. My Friends hated working. Finite Non-finite

7 A sentence will make sense without the non-finite verb.
Example: We must go shopping now. We must go now.

8 Three types of non-finite
1. Infinitive: to + verb E.g. John is going to wait outside. 2. Participle verb: does the work of both verb and adjective- verbal adjective. E.g.. Look at the burning candles. 3. Gerund: acts as a verb and noun- verbal noun. E.g. Painting is my hobby.

9 The finite verbs are in bold in the following sentences, and the non-finite verbs are underlined:
Verbs appear in almost all sentences. This sentence is illustrating finite and non-finite verbs. The dog will have to be trained well. Tom promises to try to do the work.

10 Tense Finite or Non-finite? David plays the piano Present Finite My sister spoke French on holiday Past It took courage to continue after the accident NONE -- the verb has the infinitive form Non-finite Leaving home can be very traumatic NONE -- the verb has the -ing form Leave immediately when you are asked to do so NONE -- the verb has the -ed form

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