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Topic: Plants.

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1 Topic: Plants

2 Let’s Recap Can you remember some of the words we learned last week?
What was the name of the part of the plant under the ground? What was the name of the part of the plant that held it up?

3 Let’s revise the parts of the plant!

4 Starter LO: Put words in alphabetical order
Activity: In pairs, put these words in alphabetical order: Stem Flower Leaf Rain Soil Root

5 How many flowers can you name?
In pairs, how many flowers can you name?

6 Different plants in different countries
Plants depend on their climate to grow. Weather conditions affect plant growth. Some plants need a large amount of water while others need low temperatures. This is why there are different plants in different countries around the world. Can you name any plants grown in Abu Dhabi?

7 Mangroves Mangroves are trees or bushes that grow in thick clusters along seashores and riverbanks.  They are found in parts of Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Americas. Mangroves can grow in places where very few other trees can. For example, they can grow in salty water because they are able to filter out the salt. In addition, they can stand in soft, wet soil because of their strong roots.


9 Pansies Pansies are a common plant found in England and Ireland.
They require a lot of water. There is plenty of rainfall in Ireland and England which is why they grow so well.

10 LO: Compare different flowers
In pairs, discuss flowers on page 16. Discuss the colours shapes and names of flowers. 3.1 on Cd- naming flowers

11 Plants Lesson 2

12 Let’s recap! How many flowers can you name?
What are the names of the parts of the plants? What job does the stem have? What job does the roots have?

13 Let’s play a game!

14 What do plants need to stay alive?
Let’s do a ‘word wave’ and suggest ideas of the things plants need to stay alive.

15 Survival Survival means staying alive.
What do human beings need to stay alive?

16 Water

17 Oxygen Humans need oxygen to breathe to stay alive.

18 Food Food gives bodies the energy to stay healthy and function properly.

19 Shelter A shelter that will keep your body at a constant temperature is also a necessity. Without a shelter your body could be exposed to temperatures and weather that could be harmful.

20 Let’s play a game Sort living and non living objects.

21 What do plants need to stay alive?
Discuss with your partner what plants need to stay alive?

22 Plants need: Sun Carbon dioxide Water Room to grow

23 LO: Explain how leaves help plants to make food
Photosynthesis. This is the word used to describe how plants make their own food. Photo means light. Synthesis means putting together

24 The Sun Plants need sunlight to make their food.

25 Carbon dioxide Plants breathe through their leaves.
Unlike humans, plants take in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen.

26 Water Water is also needed for photosynthesis.

27 Photosynthesis The leaves is where the food is made. (like a kitchen)

28 Photosynthesis The sun, water and carbon dioxide make sugar in the leaves and this is transported around the plant. This is called Photosynthesis.


30 Photosynthesis video

31 Whole class Make a word web on the board to revise all of the things needed for plants to make their own food. What word would go in the middle of our web?


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