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Presentation on theme: "TOPIC: SUBJECT PRONOUNS"— Presentation transcript:


2 *Subjects tell who is doing the action.
Gregorio escucha música. (Gregorio listens to music.) *Subject pronouns replace the subject to avoid repitition. Él escucha música. (He listens to music.)

3 PRONOUNS yo nosotros nosotras tú (i) vosotros vosotras Usted (Ud.) él
ella Ustedes (Uds.) ellos ellas we I you ya’ll you all they you he she

4 Tú = you = Usted Friends Respect Family Adults Younger Strangers

5 Vosotros/ Vosotras Ustedes ya’ll you all Only used in
Spain Used with friends, family, younger people Used in Spain and Latin America Used for any group

6 *Ellos is used for a group of all males or a mixed group.
*Ellas is used for a group of all females. * The same applies to: nosotros(as), vosotros(as)

7 One person’s name can be replaced by él or ella.
Laura = ella (she) Roberto = él (he)

8 *A group of people including yourself can be replaced by nosotros/nosotras.
Laura, Roberto y yo = nosotros (Laura, Roberto, and I) = we ***any group of names with “y yo” at the end is ALWAYS NOSOTROS(AS).**

9 *A group of people you are talking to can be replaced by Ustedes.
Luisa, Rafeal, y Ud. = Ustedes (Luisa, Rafeal, and you = you all) A group of people you are talking about can be replaced by ellos or ellas. Lionel, Tina, y Marta = ellos (they)

10 ¡VAMOS A PRACTICAR! Write the subject pronoun for each subject:
1. Marta Luisa y Ud. 3. Ana y Marco 4. Raúl 5. Tito y yo Emilia y Juana 7. Yo Tú y yo


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