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Unit 3 Could I Leave a Message?

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1 Unit 3 Could I Leave a Message?
Business English Unit 3 Could I Leave a Message?

2 Situation 1 You are on a train. You want to go to Victoria Square Garden Station. You’ve never been there before, so you ask someone if you’re on the right train. Using small talk, develop a conversation. Situation 2 You are in your office where you have worked for three years. You see a new face. Start a conversation using small talk and introduce yourself.

3 You catch more bees with honey…
Polite Language You catch more bees with honey…

4 How can you make this sentence sound more polite?
I don’t have time. How can you make this sentence sound more polite?

5 How can you make this sentence sound more polite?
Give me five minutes. How can you make this sentence sound more polite?

6 Polite words please just a little maybe perhaps could would mind possibly really I’m sorry I’m afraid I understand unfortunately quite

7 Using some words below, fix this sentence: What do you want?
please just a little maybe perhaps could would mind possibly really I’m sorry I’m afraid I understand unfortunately quite

8 Using some words below, fix this sentence: What’s your problem?
please just a little maybe perhaps could would mind possibly really I’m sorry I’m afraid I understand unfortunately quite

9 Using some words below, fix this sentence: Send me a copy of your report.
please just a little maybe perhaps could would mind possibly really I’m sorry I’m afraid I understand unfortunately quite

10 Using some words below, fix this sentence: I didn’t hear that.
please just a little maybe perhaps could would mind possibly really I’m sorry I’m afraid I understand unfortunately quite

11 Phone Calls

12 Conversation Question
What makes talking on the phone in English so difficult? If you know someone is about to call you, how can you prepare before the phone call?

13 Preparing to Make a Phone Call
Try to guess what the other person will say. (Predict) Think about the questions you’ll need to ask or things you’ll need to say. Prepare your desk – get any files or papers out that you’ll need, have paper and a pen ready. Check for recent s so that your information is up -to-date.

14 Objectives in Phone Calls
To talk to someone who can solve the problem To describe the problem and get a solution

15 Objectives in Phone Calls
To find out if Moda Design could be interested in selling his/her products. To suggest that he/she sends information or makes plans to visit Moda Design

16 Objectives in Phone Calls
d) To get the name of the interesting possible new suppliers. To give an appointment for the suppliers to visit. To ask for more information about the supplier’s furniture.

17 Taking and Leaving Messages
Caller A

18 Taking and Leaving Messages
Caller B

19 Taking and Leaving Messages
How were the styles of the speakers different? How did the receptions deal with each caller?

20 Taking and Leaving Messages
Caller C

21 Taking and Leaving Messages
Caller D

22 Taking and Leaving Messages
How were the styles of the speakers different? How did the receptions deal with each caller?

23 Asking For and Giving Repetition
Why does the woman, Kit-Mee Leung call Michigan Insurance? There are four requests for repetition. Why? Look at page 32. What language did you hear as the receptionist asked for repetition?

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