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Data-Basics Training & Support

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1 Data-Basics Training & Support
Payroll – Compute OT

2 Compute Overtime Premium
*** NOTICE *** This version requires utilizing at least 1 Branch ID and registry option: sys-start-scmpteovrtme-branchid setup for that Branch. The employee’s must also be assigned to the Branch. Reported to programming to remove this requirement. This feature does NOT support paying Overtime at a Prevailing wage rate. The Overtime rate is computed using Employee’s current hourly rate x OT factor (e.g. 1.5) When computing the OT to pay an Employee, it skip’s labor transactions where the Pay Type is setup with the following Category: Other, Sick, Vacation, Holiday, OverTime and DoubleTime (only computes OT for Pay Type's with HrsType/Category = Worked/Regular) Will only compute OT for a 40 hour work week (52 pays per year). Will not work for bi-weekly payroll periods.

3 Compute Overtime Premium
The basic premise of this feature is that hourly time is entered as regular time, and this function is run to generate and Overtime Premium for 'excess' hours over a regular work week BEFORE running Compute Payroll.  The Overtime Premium is assessed to an Overhead Job. Start Compute Overtime's purpose is to compute each employee's Excess Regular Hours and make a new Labor Journal to reclassify the excess regular hours as Overtime Hours. By definition 'Regular Hours' is the number of hours an employee has WORKED in the Pay Period in excess of a 'normal' work week.  The process that accumulates this number has the following requirements: Pay Type's Hours Type = Worked Pay Type's Category = Regular Hours are NOT part of the Employee's salary Employee must have Total Direct Hours > zero for the period Each employee's Excess Regular Hours are reclassified as overtime in a new Labor Journal entry. The new Labor Journal Description will be set to *** Overtime Adjustment ***.

4 Compute OT Registry: sys-start-scmpteovrtme-branchid
If Branches exist in your database, the corresponding sys-start-scmpteovrtme-branchid registry entries must be created in order for this function to run. The employee's branch is used to determine which job / costcode / costcategory gets the OT Premium charge, regardless of which direct jobs were charged originally.   4

5 Compute OT Registry: sys-start-scmpteovrtme-branchid
Id: sys-start-scmpteovrtme-branchid This registry specifies which overhead Job / Cost Code / Cost Category gets the Overtime Premium charge based on the Employee's Branch  If Branches are enabled on your system, a registry entry must be created for each Branch, plus one without a Branch Id . Setting Key: JobId   Setting Value: ValidOHJobId ValidOHJobId must reference a valid Job with its Overhead flag set to be used when Overtime entries are generated this function. Setting Key: CostCodeId  Setting Value:  ValidOHCostCodeId ValidOHCostCodeId must reference the Job Cost Code Id (belonging to the Overhead Job referenced in the previous entry) to be used when Overtime entries are generated this function. Setting Key: CostCatId   Setting Value:  ValidCostCategoryForOHLabor ValidOHCostCodeId must reference the Labor type Cost Category to be used when Overtime entries are generated this function. It is recommended that its Job Use be set to Indirect.  Finally, the GL Expense Account must be completed in this Cost Category in order for the GL side of the Overtime Adjustments to work. Setting Key: RegPayTypeId  Setting Value: ValidPayTypeId This registry entry defines which Pay Type is considered regular (and therefore eligible for overtime computation if time recorded for the Pay Period exceeds a normal week.(s). This Pay Type's Category must be set to Regular. Setting Key: OTPayTypeId  Setting Value: ValidPayTypeId

6 Run Compute Overtime Premium before Compute Payroll
The Start Compute Overtime function will compute each employee's Excess Regular Hours and make a new Labor Journal to reclassify the excess regular hours as Overtime Hours. By definition 'Regular Hours' is the number of hours an employee has WORKED in the Pay Period in excess of a 'normal' work week.  Run this function BEFORE running Compute Payroll. 6

7 Compute Overtime Premium - Results
The Start Compute Overtime function will compute each employee's Excess Regular Hours and make a new Labor Journal to reclassify the excess regular hours as Overtime Hours. 7

8 Compute Overtime Premium - Results
The Start Compute Overtime function will make a new Labor Journal to reclassify the excess regular hours as Overtime Hours. In this example, Holiday hours are being excluded in the calculation of OT. 8

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