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The Functions of DNA Part 2.

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1 The Functions of DNA Part 2

2 2. Protein synthesis “Central dogma” (main idea) of molecular biology:
DNA RNA protein One gene One protein (We already know that proteins do the work to make all your traits, which make you YOU.)

3 Protein Synthesis Part I: Transcription
DNA RNA protein

4 What is RNA? RiboNucleic Acid How is that different from DNA?
Ribo- vs. Deoxyribo-

5 RNA vs. DNA Double strand Single strand

6 RNA vs. DNA con’t. Different sugars

7 RNA vs. DNA con’t. Base difference: DNA: thymine RNA: uracil (U)

8 What is the function of RNA?
To carry the genetic message from the nucleus to where it will be used in the cytoplasm Why not just use DNA for that purpose? DNA-double strand: can’t fit through nuclear pore; RNA-single strand: fits through DNA-master template: stays protected in nucleus RNA-disposable: can always make more

9 Transcription A gene on the DNA molecule unwinds

10 Transcription 2. RNA bases are attached to unraveling DNA strand (using RNA polymerase)

11 Transcription 3. RNA strand (called messenger RNA or mRNA) detaches from DNA and leaves nucleus to travel into cytoplasm


13 Why is transcription necessary?
DNA is double stranded and too big to leave nucleus through pores DNA is the all-important master template and must stay protected. RNA is disposable

14 Practice transcription

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