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Are Herbal Eye Supplements Effective In Improving Eyesight And Night Vision?

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Presentation on theme: "Are Herbal Eye Supplements Effective In Improving Eyesight And Night Vision?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are Herbal Eye Supplements Effective In Improving Eyesight And Night Vision?

2 Improve Eyesight And Night Vision
Are herbal eye supplements effective in improving eyesight and night vision? There are no two opinions about that. Herbs are immeasurably beneficial in maintaining and improving eye health till a ripe old age. The herbs indicated in ayurveda for eye health are Terminalia chebula (haritaki), Phyllanthus emblica (amla), Terminalia belerica (baheda), Celastrus paniculatus, Asparagus racemosus (shatavri),

3 Improve Eyesight And Night Vision
Ferrum, Elettaria cardamomum (elaichi), Piper nigrum (kali mirch), Ghee and Honey. Now you can go out, buy these herbs and prepare your formulation. You can be smart and simply buy I-Lite capsules that contain pure herbs in the right proportion, consume two each day and rest assured that your eyesight and night vision will improve and stay that way for a long time.

4 Improve Eyesight And Night Vision
Eyesight is damaged not only due to malnutrition or lack of vitamins A and E but also due to poor habits such as reading in low light, excessive TV or spending long hours in front of a computer screen. You may be used to spending long hours in blinding bright light of offices and this could lead to impaired sight as well. Inadequate nutrition results in poor night vision.

5 Improve Eyesight And Night Vision
Toxins in the body due to unhealthy lifestyle also contribute to weakened eyesight. Natural herbal eye supplements effectively improve eyesight and night vision. Herbs in I-Lite capsule and their effect on the body: 1. Elletaria cardamomum or elaichi contains a number of essential oils that improves digestion and removes toxins, helping to improve eyesight.

6 Improve Eyesight And Night Vision
2. Terminalia chebula (haritaki) is an overall tonic for the digestive system, containing chebulagic, chebulinic acid and antioxidants like pyrogallo and phloroglucinol. It also contains caffeic acid and p-coumaric. Together these vital compounds improve the digestive tract functions and respiratory functions for better oxygenation of tissues and absorption of nutrients.

7 Improve Eyesight And Night Vision
3. Phyllanthus emblica or Emblic Myrobalan or Amla is not only nutritious but contains a host of health giving antioxidants, gallic and ellagic acids as also vitamin C. It is a general tonic, rejuvenator and restorative agent that improves immunity, combats ageing and keeps you youthful with improved immunity.

8 Improve Eyesight And Night Vision
Terminalia belerica or vibhitaki or baheda contains Beta-sitosterol, gallic acid, ellagic acids and chebulagic acid. It improves digestion, removes toxins and is one of the best herbs for improvement of eye disorders. Piper nigrum or black pepper or kali mirch contains piperine, chavicine, piperettine and piperidine that remove phlegm and toxins, improve digestion.

9 Improve Eyesight And Night Vision
Ghee contains vitamin A and E and has long been recommended as being good for eyesight in ayurveda. Cow’s ghee is best for the eyes. Honey contains a mix of fructose and glucose in addition hundreds of other compounds and enzymes that have a holistic effect on health.

10 Improve Eyesight And Night Vision
Glycyrrhiza glabra or yasthimadhu or licorice contains glycyrrhizin, glucose, sucrose, asparagines and essential oils that improve digestion, respiratory functions, raise immunity and reduce inflammation, working as a soothing agent. Celastrus paniculatus or jyotishmati or malkangani contains celastrine and paniculatin, working as brain tonics.

11 Improve Eyesight And Night Vision
Ferrum or iron improves red blood cell count and also functioning of liver and other organs such as the eyes. Asparagus racemoss or shatavri contains alkaloids, saponins, tannins and proteins. It improves digestion, reduces inflammation and controls hormone production.

12 Improve Eyesight And Night Vision
Make it a habit to take two pills each day and in six months you will notice you are less fatigued, your mind is more alert, you have more energy and you can see better at night.

13 Improve Eyesight And Night Vision
Buy I-Lite Capsules

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