Ethics and Public Speaking

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Presentation on theme: "Ethics and Public Speaking"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethics and Public Speaking
2 Chapter 2 The list of slides allows instructors to navigate easily from topic to topic as they give presentations. To print this list: Click File on the Command Bar in Microsoft PowerPoint while the title slide is showing. Click Print on the drop down menu. In the Print Window, click Current Page in the Print Range box and select Notes Pages from the drop-down menu under Print What To navigate in a Slide Show: Type the number of the slide you want to show and press the Enter key. PowerPoint will automatically display that slide. Title Slide Ethics and Public Speaking Ethics Ethical Decisions Guidelines for Ethical Speaking Name-calling Plagiarism Three Types of Plagiarism Global Plagiarism Patchwork Plagiarism Incremental Plagiarism Plagiarism and the Internet Guidelines for Ethical Listening Blank Ethics and Public Speaking

2 Ethics The branch of philosophy that deals with issues of right and wrong in human affairs.

3 Ethical Decisions Weighing a potential course of action against a set of ethical standards or guidelines.

4 Guidelines for Ethical Speaking
Make sure your goals are ethically sound Be fully prepared for each speech Be honest in what you say Avoid name-calling and other forms of abusive language Put ethical principles into practice

5 Name-Calling The use of language to defame, demean, or degrade individuals or groups.

6 Plagiarism Presenting another person’s language or ideas as one’s own.

7 Types of Plagiarism Global plagiarism Patchwork plagiarism
Incremental plagiarism

8 Global Plagiarism Stealing a speech entirely from a single source and passing it off as one’s own.

9 Patchwork Plagiarism Stealing ideas or language from two or three sources and passing them off as one’s own.

10 Incremental Plagiarism
Failing to give credit for particular parts of a speech that are borrowed from other people.

11 Plagiarism and the Internet
Cite sources when using Internet materials Take careful research notes

12 Guidelines for Ethical Listening
Be courteous and attentive Avoid prejudging the speaker Maintain the free and open expression of ideas


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