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Introduction to me Simon Slatter 30 years old. Big chip on my shoulder

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1 Introduction to me Simon Slatter 30 years old. Big chip on my shoulder
Quadriplegic from a head injury suffered in 1995 – I went over a cliff on my pushbike when I was 15 and I was in a coma for 6 weeks and hospitalised for over 2 years. Hello, I’m Simon, I’m 28 and have been in this wheelchair since 1995 after going off a cliff on my pushbike.

2 Launceston & Star College
I eventually went to Launceston College to finish my core GCSE’s and did one A level in General Studies. I got lots of prospectuses for different colleges but none of the local ones provided the care or social life outside the classroom I wanted. So I went to National star College in Cheltenham, IT being my main course, passing at both certificate and diploma level. I was at the college for four years in total, leaving in 2005. I was at Star College for 4 for years and I left in 2005. All the teachers look much older now!!

3 Finding help I returned home to Camelford wanting to continue what I started at college. My Social Worker introduced me to Mid Cornwall Lifestyles and to Cornwall Centre for Volunteers. Because I knew that finding a work placement could take time, I decided to keep my brain active so I did a level 3 Clait Advanced Diploma in IT. After leaving the college I went home and wanted to carry on what I had started. I talked to my social worker who put me in touch with a couple of organisations who might be able to help me find a job. I also looked at further education for my sins.

4 Excuses, excuses Cornwall Centre for Volunteers and Young Persons Lifestyles helped me to find a work placement. We had quite a lot of rejections at first, with potential employers being concerned about accessibility (steps, corridors, doors, H&S regulations) and care needs – all of which are medical reasons and didn’t help me at all. But we persevered. At first I found it really hard to find a work placement. I had a lot of rejections, it felt like no-one wanted to give me a chance. But I persevered.

5 Social model in action.. After many months I met with Dave Witts (head of ICT Department at North Cornwall District Council). Like in any job interview, we talked about how my skills could be of benefit to the council and what hours I could work. It was wonderful that he saw no barriers that could not be overcome – and he put money where needed – evacuation chair, voice-activated software and a buddy in the department to work alongside. He even shared the care costs with Social Services. Shame that no pay was offered – experience first…….. Eventually I found an employer prepared to give me a go and I went for an interview with the ICT department at North Cornwall District Council We agreed that I would start on a voluntary basis to gain experience in a normal work environment. DOH!

6 But … Lots of this – friends, good work, stimulating But none of this…
I like working in the IT department. It gets me out of the house, I meet new people and it keeps my brain stimulated. In the future I hope to increase my hours and earn lots of money.

7 Ignore medics and go social
Not really ignore, but keep medical considerations in perspective - find the right help and be determined. No barrier is too big. Help is out there and anything is possible. The message I would like to get across is that no matter how bad your situation is never give up. Find the right help and be determined. Help is out there and anything is possible.

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