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Technology What’s Here and What’s Coming.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology What’s Here and What’s Coming."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology What’s Here and What’s Coming

2 Personal and Professional Tech
Back up your data! Refine your workflow Online Google Drive Microsoft One Drive Dropbox Offline External Hard Drive Thumbdrive

3 Personal and Professional Tech
Know that nothing online is truly secure Recognize that your approach to privacy is likely much more conservative than your students’ We want our students to get jobs and succeed. Their digital footprint needs to be clean Know how to use Google searches

4 Technology in the Classroom
Do you allow students to use technology during your class? Trends: Traditional Laptop Tablet computers Google Chromebook Good and bad of each?

5 Digital Textbooks and Open Resources
4 Textbook manufacturers dominate the higher education market Profit margins for these companies are routinely over 10%, Amazon has a profit margin of 0.45% Schools are increasingly exploring ways to offer free or cheap textbooks to students Average cost right now to students is $1,100 per year (2 semesters) Students are countering this by pirating or simply refusing to read the textbooks Open textbook movement is gaining momentum You, as faculty, can have a direct impact on these costs to students

6 Create an e-Text You can create your own electronic text to share with your students They can use this on any of their devices Apple iBooks Author is incredible in the way it allows you to create your own text Have your students CREATE their own, unique content, instead of simply consuming the content you give them

7 Student-created Books
If they don’t have a Mac, then: Write the content in Word Convert to .ePub file using Calibre

8 Web 2.0 Resources Evernote
Stoodle (share an interactive whiteboard with anyone for real-time collaboration) Weebly (you or your students build a website easily) Poll Everywhere Google Drive (awesome for student surveys) Kahoot

9 Web 2.0 Resources Socrative Skype (bring a guest into your classroom)
Touchcast (interactive video, very cool)

10 Mobile Apps Dropbox Notability SmartSeat Evernote CamScanner
What do you all recommend?

11 Online Teaching and Learning
What works? What needs improvement? Successes, failures? Share your story

12 Using D2l How can you improve your courses?
Look into doing a Quality Matters workshop Your university could pay for it Improves your course design Gives you ideas on how to integrate your content online

13 QM Takeaways Clearly state expectations and objectives to your students, and make sure they are relevant to the level of the course (1st year, senior, graduate level, etc.) Ensure you have assessments that measure these objectives Make sure the grading policy is clear and transparent Explain clearly how the instructional materials will be used, make sure they are accessible Activities in the course need to support active learning

14 QM Takeaways Make sure the expectations for students’ and faculty’s response times are clearly stated in the course. Follow through Make sure the tools support learner engagement Ensure students know how to receive technical support. Put that information somewhere very visible Accessibility to all technologies needs to be addressed

15 The shift to M-learning
Mobile learning is considered to be a big component in the ever-evolving field of distance education Tablets and phones will be used more frequently to access course materials

16 Video and D2L D2L supports direct upload of files, but it is problematic If you don’t use a universally standard file type, students will have difficulties opening it It won’t stream, they have to download it first Youtube is my preferred method Streaming is key Embed your video right into D2L Make video unlisted if you don’t want others to come across it

17 Adding Audio Adding audio to your online courses is easy
Can record directly into D2L but it is problematic, runs through Flash and doesn’t always work If you have a traditional laptop without an SSD, Use an external USB mic when doing your recordings Don’t make things too lengthy. 1 hour or even 30 minutes is too long. Break it up into shorter sections/modules Use Voicethread!!

18 Horizon Report 2017 Adaptive Learning Mobile Learning
The Internet of Things Next Generation LMS Artificial Intelligence Natural User Interfaces Download Report

19 Questions?

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