National Workshop on Planning for the GEOHealth Hub for Interdisciplinary Research and Training Policy, Regulatory and Organizational Frameworks Getnet.

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Presentation on theme: "National Workshop on Planning for the GEOHealth Hub for Interdisciplinary Research and Training Policy, Regulatory and Organizational Frameworks Getnet."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Workshop on Planning for the GEOHealth Hub for Interdisciplinary Research and Training Policy, Regulatory and Organizational Frameworks Getnet Mitike, MD, PhD School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences Addis Ababa University Prof. Heather Wipfli University of Southern California, USA

2 Purpose To examine and identify gaps in national policies, regulations and organizational arrangements that govern Ethiopia’s ability to prevent and mitigate the health impacts of air pollution, occupational hazards and climate change.

3 Methods The assessment included a comprehensive literature review of peer-reviewed publications and reports (electronic and hardcopy) Reviewed 16 references of which 10 are proclamations (9) and regulation (1) In-depth interviews with key stakeholders

4 Results We have different polices and regulations that place foundation for addressing air pollution, climate change and Occupational Safety and Health These include the Constitution, The Health Policy, Proclamations related to the establishment of EPA and others including organizational frameworks.

5 Key results by organization (SA)
Ministry of Health National Meteorology Agency Environmental Protection Authority Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs Ministry of Water Resources and Energy

6 Ministry of Health Gaps/Constraints:
No clear understanding by different bodies of the difference between environmental health and environmental protection. Environmental health activities are not done by the right trained professionals. No Env. Health department responsible in the FMOH and the Addis Ababa City Administration. Within the ministry attention is not given to air pollution and climate change. The organizational setup of the department is already mixed with other units or directorates with no clear job descriptions.

7 National Meteorology Agency
Gaps/Constraints Lack of technically skilled human power or professionals and high turnover. Inadequacy of cross-sectoral links of ministries and line departments. Lack of strong coordination mechanism both at the federal and regional levels. Lack of elaborated links of federal and regional sector offices involved in environment and development. Lack of awareness both on the concept and advantages of meteorological issues. Absence of well-organized research institutions that deal on climate change adaptation and associated possible outcomes.

8 Environmental Protection Authority
Gaps/Constraints: Capacity problems at regional and lower levels (both human power and facilities). At lower levels, the environmental protection activities are done by different implementers and there is a clear mix up of responsibilities leading to less emphasis. There are no indicators and standards set in the country. Lack of awareness and less attention to the climate change issues at lower administrative levels. No intensive research and monitoring on the status and trends of pollution of the major cities including Addis Ababa. No research done regarding to climate change issues.

9 Ministry of Agriculture
Gaps/Constraints: Resource scarcity (logistics and financial) to carryout different intervention activities on climate change. Technology (both knowing what type of technology is required for the current conditions associated climate change and the technical skills to choose & apply the appropriate one) There is poor inter-sectoral collaboration. Absence of monitoring, reporting and verification mechanisms. Lack of integration with research institutions, the research centres emphasis on production. Human resource scarcity on adaptation and mitigation (both qualitative and quantitative scarcity). No research done on climate change and related issues.

10 Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
Gaps/Constraints: Lack of professionals & practical skills (instruments & maintenance). No M & E tools. Monitoring works are done by personal judgments. The advisory and inspection activities are done by same person. No evaluation is done whether the regulation is implemented or not. No systems for pre-employment health evaluation and occupational disease identification mechanisms. Training gaps; the trainings both at the university level and short-term trainings given by different agents are not need-based. Research gaps; no studies conducted on those institutions that need special attention: horticulture, mining, textile, and construction. No evidence based information in the country how much costs the health problems resulted from works and working environments. Absence of accident & emergency registration system

11 Ministry of Water Resources and Energy
Gaps/Constraints: Lack of skilled and experienced professionals. No baseline data or information how much CO2 is released or discharged to the environment by different industries or factories. No research centers that conduct research to evaluate different adaptation and mitigation activities. No indicators whether there is carbon emission reduction. No indicators that showed whether there are health improvements associated with the intervention on efficient stove distribution and improved housing conditions. There is financial and logistic scarcity.

12 Cross cutting Priority gaps
Shortage of skilled personnel in terms of professionals and lack of specific skills in operating equipment and managing problems related to for example occupational health and safety, climate change and air pollution. Lack of evidence and research activities in air pollution, climate change and occupational health. There exists limited data in all areas. No surveillance e.g. occupational injuries Poor coordination and integration among the different stakeholders. The structure and the regulation for coordination exists (functionality and capacity of capacity of implementation?) Low awareness of contemporary problems. Awareness on the health impacts of climate change, air pollution and occupational and workplace hazards is low. Poor monitoring and documentation of activities. Inadequate linkage between training institutions and required skills by the ministries. No budget allocation and facilities arrangements for laboratories, research works and surveillance works.

13 Cross cutting Priority needs for intervention
Identified Needs Production of competent professionals & in-service training , e.g. occupational health, climate change and air pollution. Align training curricula with country needs Generate evidence and establish research and surveillance sites in different places of Addis e.g. for particulate matter, emitted gases & control station & encourage different factories to have their own. Increase awareness of people and decision makers on climate change, air pollution and occupational and improve documentation of activities Set indicators for M &E for climate change and occupational health and safety and establish systems to implement policies and regulations. Establish mechanisms accountability and systems of coordination at national and organizational levels.

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