CRG - TM Special OdH Introduction

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1 CRG - TM Special OdH Introduction
Serge Claudet, 11 Sept’17

2 Situation as seen recently
Picture as seen recently: Several projects with Cryo activities recently with specific requirements concerning risk analysis, including OdH and proposed measures Few re-visit of existing situations, leading to possible biased approaches or requirements, for which we had to punctually answer Rules, guidelines, past experience: Where to get documents related to other projects done by the group? How is it really and how does it work? => Wish to share information within CRG on OdH risk analysis to be used as help for new cases HSE is leading a CERN wide effort on establishing guidelines for OdH complemented by a series of examples (on-going, started early 2016) => We should at least be ready to contribute in a pro-active way via our representatives: CSO (A. Perin), Safety link-person (T. Koettig) SC - 11Sept'17 CRG-TM Special OdH, Introduction

Prepared by: G. Lindell HSE/SEE Abstract In accordance with CERN regulation SR-M Mechanical equipment & SR-C Chemical agents this Safety Guideline is intended to provide advice on how to approach Oxygen Deficiency Hazards. This Safety Guideline is aimed at those people who, in the course of their duties, are responsible for assessing and putting in place control measures for activities which can cause an Oxygen Deficiency Hazard. Status: Rev. No Issued for internal HSE remarks Rev. No Issued for CSOC & HSE-ME remarks Rev. No Remarks from HSE, CSOC & HSE-ME implemented SC - 11Sept'17 CRG-TM Special OdH, Introduction

4 CRG-TM special OdH Introduction SM18 Caroline Fabre B180 Antonio Perin
Sharing experience on existing cases treated by the group Introduction SM18 Caroline Fabre B180 Antonio Perin B165 Laetitia Dufay-Chanat & Caroline Fabre LHC machine Serge Claudet SPS BA4/BA6 Krzysztof Brodzinski Other valid cases that would deserve sharing experience? Discussion, Approach towards OdH, Guidelines SC - 11Sept'17 CRG-TM Special OdH, Introduction

5 CRG-TM Special OdH, Introduction
SC - 11Sept'17 CRG-TM Special OdH, Introduction

6 Discussion, Approach towards OdH
HSE template EDMS : Define perimeter, identification of risks, risk analysis, measures Could we try to be inherently safe? By design: where to locate the storage, continuity of piping, flow reduction to match needs, safety devices and vents, … By consolidation: buildings, equipment, accesses, ... Could we propose mitigation measures? Standard collective OdH alarms, Specific needs with specific studies to be conducted How do we make sure that the people (staff, contractors, others) are properly informed ? Information, documentation, periodic checks and revisit the situation according to evolutions of the area Suggestions: Clarification and review by safety link person ? General recommendation to consider HSE Risk Analysis EDMS Implementation of recommendations concerning safety (valves, vents, …) ? Evaluation of risks around all LN2 dewars under CRG responsibility SC - 11Sept'17 CRG-TM Special OdH, Introduction

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