Mandated Reporting Fall 2013 In-Service

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1 Mandated Reporting Fall 2013 In-Service

2 Agenda What is Mandatory Reporting? Who is a Mandatory Reporter ?
Know your role as a Mandated Reporter Definition of Child Abuse Dealing Appropriately With Disclosure Recognize Which Groups are Higher Risk for Abuse or Neglect Know when and how to report abuse and/or neglect to the Hotline Test Your Knowledge

3 What is Mandated Reporting
A mandate is simply a legal requirement. Individuals are called Mandated Reporters because they are legally required to report child abuse and neglect to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) Hotline. All 50 states have similar requirements.

4 Who is a Mandated Reporter?
Mandated Reporters are individuals who frequently work with children and are often the first adults to see signs of child abuse or neglect. The nature of their child friendly professions makes them uniquely qualified to protect children from abuse and neglect. Higher Education Personnel in the following positions are Mandated Reporters: College Employees Board Members Administrators Custodians Administrative Assistants Cafeteria Workers Bus Drivers

5 Role of a Mandatory Reporter
Illinois law requires all Mandated Reporters to call the DCFS Hotline if they have reasonable cause to believe that a child known to them, in their professional or official capacity, may be abused or neglected. As a person who works with children, it is your legal obligation to report your suspicions to DCFS. It is not your role to investigate what the child has told you. It is the obligation of DCFS to provide a Child Abuse Hotline to screen reports and to investigate your report to determine whether the child has been abused or neglected and, if so, how to ensure that the child is protected.

6 Recognizing Key Criteria
To help answer the question, "What is Child Abuse and Neglect?" remember that four key criteria must exist for the DCFS Hotline to accept a report. Four Key Criteria for a Child Abuse or Neglect Report The alleged victim is under the age of 18. The alleged perpetrator is any individual residing in the child's home, any person responsible for the child's welfare, or anyone who came to know the child through a position of trust. A specific incident or specific set of circumstances raises suspicion that a child has been abused or neglected. The child was harmed or is at substantial risk of physical or sexual injury.

7 Recognizing 3 Types of Abuse
The first step to fulfilling your role as a Mandated Reporter is to recognize the three main types of abuse and neglect that are legally acknowledged in Illinois. Physical Abuse Sexual Abuse Neglect and Psychological Abuse Refer to the handout for specifics on each type

8 What is Not Abuse or Neglect
It is also important to understand what is NOT child abuse or neglect. Some people make reports that DCFS does not legally recognize as child abuse. Here are some examples of situations that do not fall within DCFS's mandate to investigate child abuse: Certain sexual behaviors in children are normal and age appropriate Children who are curious about their own bodies Preschool children who giggle while touching their bodies in an exploratory manner Children of the same age and developmental stage who are curious about and explore each other's bodies

9 Be Mindful of Situations
Certain family circumstances are not considered abusive or neglectful Spanking that is not "excessive corporal punishment" because it does not leave marks or injuries A dirty home that is not hazardous An older child left home alone who is capable of caring for himself A child left in the care of an adult relative who has often cared for the child in the past, even if the parent has not made an arrangement for child care.

10 Be prepared to act appropriately!
Know How to React When a Child Discloses Abuse or Neglect Because you interact with children regularly, you may be the person a child chooses to tell if s/he is being abused or neglected. Remember, the best indicator that a child is being abused is the child's own spontaneous report. When a child reports abuse, it can be stressful, not only for the child, but also for you -- the person hearing about it. When this occurs it is important to recognize the significance of the event to the child's safety and journey to recovery. Be prepared to act appropriately!

11 Step 1 When a Child Discloses Abuse or Neglect: Body Language
Come down to the child's level when you are talking to him/her. Try to be on the same eye level as the child. Respect the child's space. Do not lean in too close to the child when he or she is speaking.

12 Step 2 Facial Expressions
When listening to a child, be aware of your facial expressions. Although you may feel shocked, try to maintain a calm expression. Never put words in a child's mouth Asking leading questions can harm the child and damage the investigation. For example, if a child says, "My dad hurt me." Do not ask, "Did your dad touch you in your private part?" Instead ask, "How did your dad hurt you?"

13 Step 3 Limit Your Questioning It is important to limit the number of times a child is questioned or interviewed about an abuse or neglect incident. Multiple interviews can traumatize the child and should be avoided at all costs. Mutliple interviews, if not done appropriately, may have a negative impact on a DCFS investigation and criminal investigation. It is crucial to leave the interview process in the hands of a trained professional investigator. Remember, all you need is reasonable cause to believe that abuse or neglect occurred in order to call the Hotline.

14 Which Children Are Most At Risk?
While all children are at risk, some groups tend to be more vulnerable: Preschool Children Children with Disabilities Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered and Questioning Youth

15 How to Report As soon as you have reasonable cause to suspicion that child abuse or neglect has occurred: Organize your information Make the Call Submit a written confirmation within 48 hours of making the report

16 Your Rights As a Mandated Reporter, you have specific rights:
To the Hotline worker's full name To speak to the Hotline worker's supervisor if you do not agree with the Hotline worker's decision To request a review of an investigation that has been unfounded if there are concerns regarding the adequacy of the investigation To receive information about the findings and actions taken by the Department during the investigation, including actions taken to ensure a child's safety

17 Myth Buster Many Mandated Reporters believe that when they make a child abuse or neglect report the child will be removed from their family. In fact, less than 5% of children reported for abuse or neglect are removed from the home and usually it is not long term. For those who are not removed, their families are provided with services to insure the safety of the child.

18 Conclusion As a Mandated Reporter, if you make a good faith report to the Hotline, you are entitled to immunity from legal liability. That means you cannot be successfully sued by the parent or the alleged perpetrator, even if your report is not "indicated." The law presumes you reported in good faith. To successfully sue you, the parent or perpetrator would have to prove that you willfully lied. Although you may feel nervous about calling the Hotline, please remember that you play a critical role in protecting children from abuse/neglect. You hold the key to keeping children safe.

19 Test Your Knowledge 1. Possible indicators of physical abuse include:
a. Unexplained marks on the body b. Bruises or welts in various stages of healing c. Burns that are in patterns d. All of the above

20 Answer 1. Possible indicators of physical abuse include: d. All of the above

21 Test Your Knowledge 2. Neglect occurs when a parent or responsible caretaker fails to provide which of the following: a. Adequate supervision, medical care, food, clothing and/or shelter b. Schooling, school supplies, appropriate school clothes c. Up to date immunizations d. All of the above

22 Answer 2. Neglect occurs when a parent or responsible caretaker fails to provide which of the following: a. Adequate supervision, medical care, food, clothing and/or shelter

23 Test Your Knowledge 3. Which of the following may be an indicator of sexual abuse? a. Sexual knowledge beyond what is age appropriate b. Recurring pain and itching in the genitals c. Wearing or sleeping with multiple layers of clothing d. All of the above

24 Answer 3. Which of the following may be an indicator of sexual abuse? d. All of the above

25 Test Your Knowledge 4. A Mandated Reporter is any person required by law to report suspected child abuse or neglect. a. True b. False

26 Answer 4. A Mandated Reporter is any person required by law to report suspected child abuse or neglect. a. True

27 Test Your Knowledge 5. What is the role of a Mandated Reporter? a. To conduct an in depth interview of the child b. To conduct your own investigation of abuse and then call the Child Abuse Hotline c. Report suspicions of abuse or neglect to the Hotline immediately d. All of the above

28 Answer 5. What is the role of a Mandated Reporter? c. Report suspicions of abuse or neglect to the Hotline immediately

29 Test Your Knowledge 6. Illinois law requires all Mandated Reporters to call the Hotline if they have reasonable cause to believe that child abuse or neglect has occurred. a. True b. False

30 Answer 6. Illinois law requires all Mandated Reporters to call the Hotline if they have reasonable cause to believe that child abuse or neglect has occurred. a. True

31 Test Your Knowledge 7. A Mandated Reporter should ask the child for every detail of the abuse or neglect before calling the Hotline. a. True b. False

32 Answer 7. A Mandated Reporter should ask the child for every detail of the abuse or neglect before calling the Hotline. b. False

33 Test Your Knowledge 8. A child must tell you he or she is being abused before you can call the Hotline. a. True b. False

34 Answer 8. A child must tell you he or she is being abused before you can call the Hotline. b. False

35 Test Your Knowledge 9. Suspected child abuse and neglect should be reported: a. as soon as you have enough evidence to make sure the child is telling the truth b. as soon as you suspect abuse or neglect c. after the child's parents have been notified d. after 24 hours

36 Answer 9. Suspected child abuse and neglect should be reported: b. as soon as you suspect abuse or neglect

37 Test Your Knowledge 10. After making a child abuse report to the Hotline, the Mandated Reporter must submit a written confirmation of the report within ____________ hours. a. 10 b. 24 c. 48 d. 72

38 Answer 10. After making a child abuse report to the Hotline, the Mandated Reporter must submit a written confirmation of the report within ____________ hours. c. 48

39 Test Your Knowledge 11. Mandated Reporters have the right to which of the following? a. The Hotline worker's full name b. To speak to the Hotline worker's supervisor if you do not agree with the Hotline worker's decision c. To request a second review of a child abuse investigation final decision for a report they made. d. All of the above

40 Answer 11. Mandated Reporters have the right to which of the following? d. All of the above

41 Test Your Knowledge 12. Mandated Reporters fulfill their legal obligation by telling their supervisors about their suspicions of abuse. a. True b. False

42 Answer 12. Mandated Reporters fulfill their legal obligation by telling their supervisors about their suspicions of abuse. b. False Under the Illinois Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act (ANCRA), you are a Mandated Reporter of child abuse and neglect. You must make the call.

43 Congratulations You have now fulfilled your training requirements.
Reporter Tip On July 1, 1986, a law was passed requiring all Mandated Reporters sign a statement on a DCFS form certifying that they understand their mandated reporting requirements. This law is called the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act (ANCRA). It is a LEGAL requirement that this signed form be in your personnel file….So please sign and return the form in your packet to Human Resources!

44 Thank you!

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